Is there really a God?

[Sunday May 6, 2012]

Let me start out by saying that everything has a maker. From the sky to the earth, from water to land, from houses to boats, from and emerald to an adult, from chairs we set on to tables we eat on, from farmers planting seeds to food we eat. Everything has a maker. When consider the world and how it was void and we all believe that it was void, but then it becomes a problem when we can't see or understand how it was created. I don't understand how it's a problem because we can't see who created the world, but we also can't understand or see how everything else we use daily was created. Some of us can't see how a computer is put together but we trust that who put it together is the maker. We read documents stating this very thing and believe what we read even though we don't know the person; we just know that what was made is good. Now let's take it to the beginning of the world, the bible says in Genesis 1:1-5 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the  earth, and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said, let there be light: and there was light and God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light form the darkness, and God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night, and  the evening and the  morning were the first day". I'm going to stop right there to establish a point. Evolution is a theory how we and all living things came to be. The big bang theory is how the world was created by one big bang? I don't understand how they could ever come up with these answers concerning the world and humans. I do believe and know without a shadow of a doubt that when a person does not want to accept something they try every other thing so they don’t have to accept the truth. The truth is God is the creator of the world and all things there in. How is it that everything in this world can have a creator accept a human? It's because some humans don't want to accept the fact that there is something higher and more powerful than man. I love to watch Animal Planet and Nature channels, because they show the wondrous works of God. Man cannot create a seed that can produce such splendor of a flower, or a fish that scientist are continually finding new creature every time they go down to the deep. Or how God made the world one big recycle. IT TAKES A CREATIVE MIND TO THINK OF HOW EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO EVERYTHING TO MAKE THE WORLD GO AROUND AND THAT CREATIVE MIND IS GOD ALL MIGHTY. I rest my case.

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