Noise and Chaos Pt 2

I was getting reading to leave the house to take care of business, but taking my time because I didn't really feel like going anywhere. I'm such a home body person its not even funny. Anyway, I sat down to do something with my phone as I was waiting for time to pass, then I decided to watch some TV while waiting. As I was thinking what to watch, I felt a nudge to go to YouTube. As I scrolled there was a little boy with the title "I had a rapture dream" and I click on it because I love End Time biblical information. Well, this little boy started telling his dream, but the part that cause me to even blog, podcast and upload a video on YouTube is when he said "it was chaos everywhere and people were running around shooting, stepping on each other and running to the church. No one cared about another, they just cared about themselves getting to the church asking for forgiveness." It also made me think as I'm writing this if that's also me being left behind, because God has given me so much revelation, dreams and understanding of His word, and I've been keeping it to myself. I'm looking at this as a wake up call for me too. I love the truth of Gods word, but I sometimes think I don't love God enough. Why do I say that? Because when I read 1 Corinthians 13 concerning what love really is, I can't check off that list truly. I am working towards perfection is all I can say and do. Back to my experience I just wanted to share that God confirmed what I was experiencing. Now, I'm hearing the word chaos everywhere.

Lord Help Us All,

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Noise and Chaos Pt 2

I was getting reading to leave the house to take care of business, but taking my time because I didn't really feel like going anywhere. ...