A Desperate Cry

[Saturday, June 9, 2012]
I cry. I cry for the crying. I scream, I scream for the screamers. I mourn, I mourn for the mourners. I hurt. I hurt for the thoes who hurt. I woe,  I woe for the ones that don’t know what’s coming. I sigh, I sigh for the ones that are sad. I dream, I dream for the dreamer's. I pray and I pray. I pray for the ones that are praying and the ones that do not. If I can boost I will boost in the lord. I too have been molested at the age of 10 by my close loved ones, and the door of my innocent eyes has been opened to pornography. I too have been abandoned by parents and force to stay with relatives that say they love you with their mouth but their hearts were far from it. I too, I too have been raped at the age of 16 by a man that supposed to care for me. I too have been introduce to marijuana, alcohol at the age of 16 and crack cocaine at the age of 18, and 14 years after that was straight hell. Had two children out of wedlock, sneaking out of windows and jumping in and out of stranger’s cars that came with selling my body to get high. Raped over and over again, body torn apart just to feel like somebody wants me. Did any of this help or change the way I was feeling? No, things even got worse.
I say all of this to say that I don't blame anyone, I made my owe choices in life and made my own bed. I don't blame my mother or father. It was what it was and nothing I feel or say can change the past, but I did find there's is a way to change the future,  and if any of this relates to you, that means you're are still here, which means there is hope for your future and if you make a choice to change your present it becomes a gift from God. He is here right now as you are reading this and as I’m typing this with His hands opened wide to receive you as His child.  He says that if you receive Him right now He will never leave you nor forsake you. He promise to hold you when you're lonely, love you when you feel unloved, keep you when you feel like giving up, direct you when you feel lost, heal you when you feel hurt. All you have to do is trust in Him with all your heart, mind, strength and understanding. (JUST REPEAT THESE WORDS) Lord Jesus I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins to be forgiving.  I believe and thank you for rising on the third day to conquer death for me. I believe that you are the son of the one and only true living God and I receive you Jesus in my heart as my lord and savior and ask you to save me from this wicked world and myself. I thank you for salvation in Jesus name. Amen. NOW GET READY FOR CHANGE! AND CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE NOW SAVED :) Hallelujah, Glory to God and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

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