Is there really a God?

[Sunday May 6, 2012]

Let me start out by saying that everything has a maker. From the sky to the earth, from water to land, from houses to boats, from and emerald to an adult, from chairs we set on to tables we eat on, from farmers planting seeds to food we eat. Everything has a maker. When consider the world and how it was void and we all believe that it was void, but then it becomes a problem when we can't see or understand how it was created. I don't understand how it's a problem because we can't see who created the world, but we also can't understand or see how everything else we use daily was created. Some of us can't see how a computer is put together but we trust that who put it together is the maker. We read documents stating this very thing and believe what we read even though we don't know the person; we just know that what was made is good. Now let's take it to the beginning of the world, the bible says in Genesis 1:1-5 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the  earth, and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said, let there be light: and there was light and God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light form the darkness, and God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night, and  the evening and the  morning were the first day". I'm going to stop right there to establish a point. Evolution is a theory how we and all living things came to be. The big bang theory is how the world was created by one big bang? I don't understand how they could ever come up with these answers concerning the world and humans. I do believe and know without a shadow of a doubt that when a person does not want to accept something they try every other thing so they don’t have to accept the truth. The truth is God is the creator of the world and all things there in. How is it that everything in this world can have a creator accept a human? It's because some humans don't want to accept the fact that there is something higher and more powerful than man. I love to watch Animal Planet and Nature channels, because they show the wondrous works of God. Man cannot create a seed that can produce such splendor of a flower, or a fish that scientist are continually finding new creature every time they go down to the deep. Or how God made the world one big recycle. IT TAKES A CREATIVE MIND TO THINK OF HOW EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO EVERYTHING TO MAKE THE WORLD GO AROUND AND THAT CREATIVE MIND IS GOD ALL MIGHTY. I rest my case.

Hearing God's Voice

Sunday May 13, 2012
I found out that the voice of God has many sounds and is according to the personality of an individual. Example: A more quiet person can hear Gods small still voice before a busy minded loud person who hears Gods voice in the way of an attention when needed. I also believe that it depends on what you’re doing when He speaks or giving instructions. Don’t get it twisted, hearing His still small voice does not make a person better than hearing His loud attention voice, as some people like to find ways to think that they are better than others. God knows our personality and what it takes to hear him. Though we all need to learn to be quiet and calm our spirits as 1Thessalonians 4:11 says "study to be quiet" I don't think that was just for the women, because now days men talk just as much, (if you know what I mean). There have been times when God would talk with me during or after prayer to tell someone something and when I try reasoning with Him, that's when that father authority voice is heard. It is true that God does not force his spirit or directions on no one, but as a parent cannot know longer tell her child who is now an adult what to do, but with much compassion and reasoning voice can make suggestions. God is my heavenly father and what father does not use his voice of authority when needed. We learn His voice through fellowship with Him. I believe the more you fellowship with the father the more you hear the different tones of His voice. A perfect example is when God spoke to Moses through the burning bush in Exodus chp. 3, 4. Moses had many questions and excuses why he shouldn't be the chosen one, but in chp. 4:14 God was angry with Moses because of his many questions and excuses. Now do you really think that Gods angry voice was quiet? People say that the devils voice is louder than Gods voice and God speaks only with a still small voice. Don't you know that the devil can speak in a still small voice too? The way you can tell the devil voice from the father's is that the father speaks according to His word and the devil always has a lie somewhere in his words. Also when you build your relationship with God and not with yourself, your spirit will connect and confirm with Gods voice and a stranger you will not follow (St John 10:5). I pray this will help you in learning to hear Gods voice. God bless.

Lord Help Us All


[Sunday May 27, 2012]
THUS SAID THE LORD OF HOST. "Did I not make man? Did I not make Adam first? Did I not make Eve to be a companion and help meet to Adam. Did I not tell Peter to feed my sheep? Did I not tell Peter upon this rock I will build my church? Did I not put in order the head of every man is Christ and the head of every woman is man and the head of Christ is I God?
Than why is women practicing headship over man in my Church? Did I not tell Mary to deliver JUST A MESSAGE to my disciples? Yes I have put my words in her mouth, to deliver a message, NOT TO RULE. Where do women get the idea that they can take the place of man in my church? Did I not destroy Jezebel flesh? But her spirit has run rampant through the earth, because man has allowed her to rule instead, because man has become fragile, fearful and allow women to rule them upon their bed. As did Eve deceived Adam who was with her, but yet was deceived in the Garden of Eden, so has Jezebel deceived you".
THUS SAID THE LORD OF HOST! "RISE UP MAN AND TAKE YOUR PLACE, I come quickly to destroy the enemy for good. RISE UP MAN AND TAKE YOUR PLACE! Be strong in me and in the power of my might. I will be with you" said the Lord.

A Desperate Cry

[Saturday, June 9, 2012]
I cry. I cry for the crying. I scream, I scream for the screamers. I mourn, I mourn for the mourners. I hurt. I hurt for the thoes who hurt. I woe,  I woe for the ones that don’t know what’s coming. I sigh, I sigh for the ones that are sad. I dream, I dream for the dreamer's. I pray and I pray. I pray for the ones that are praying and the ones that do not. If I can boost I will boost in the lord. I too have been molested at the age of 10 by my close loved ones, and the door of my innocent eyes has been opened to pornography. I too have been abandoned by parents and force to stay with relatives that say they love you with their mouth but their hearts were far from it. I too, I too have been raped at the age of 16 by a man that supposed to care for me. I too have been introduce to marijuana, alcohol at the age of 16 and crack cocaine at the age of 18, and 14 years after that was straight hell. Had two children out of wedlock, sneaking out of windows and jumping in and out of stranger’s cars that came with selling my body to get high. Raped over and over again, body torn apart just to feel like somebody wants me. Did any of this help or change the way I was feeling? No, things even got worse.
I say all of this to say that I don't blame anyone, I made my owe choices in life and made my own bed. I don't blame my mother or father. It was what it was and nothing I feel or say can change the past, but I did find there's is a way to change the future,  and if any of this relates to you, that means you're are still here, which means there is hope for your future and if you make a choice to change your present it becomes a gift from God. He is here right now as you are reading this and as I’m typing this with His hands opened wide to receive you as His child.  He says that if you receive Him right now He will never leave you nor forsake you. He promise to hold you when you're lonely, love you when you feel unloved, keep you when you feel like giving up, direct you when you feel lost, heal you when you feel hurt. All you have to do is trust in Him with all your heart, mind, strength and understanding. (JUST REPEAT THESE WORDS) Lord Jesus I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins to be forgiving.  I believe and thank you for rising on the third day to conquer death for me. I believe that you are the son of the one and only true living God and I receive you Jesus in my heart as my lord and savior and ask you to save me from this wicked world and myself. I thank you for salvation in Jesus name. Amen. NOW GET READY FOR CHANGE! AND CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE NOW SAVED :) Hallelujah, Glory to God and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


[Friday, June 15, 2012]

Be not DECEIVED God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his FLESH shall of the FLESH reap CORRUPTION, but he that soweth to the SPIRIT shall of the SPIRIT reap LIFE EVERLASTING, and let us NOT be weary in well doing, for in DUE season WE SHALL reap, IF we faint not (do not lose heart). As we have therefore opportunity, let us DO GOOD unto ALL men ESPECIALLY unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6: 7-10. No matter how bad it looks or how bad your body feels, don't give up. Trust in the lord and He will see you through it. It's hard to help someone else in whatever they are going through if you don't understand. With trials and tribulations come strength, wisdom and understanding. TRUST GOD!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

I learned that it’s not about me in this aspect. What I have been going through all my before and during my Christian life is not for me but for the next generation, my seeds, my seed seeds and their seeds and so on. It’s not your strength that your children are looking for, they expect you to be strong, but it is your weakness to know that you are as human as they are and crone to make mistakes. God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness. My children have always seen me as a pillar, in church, on my job and home. What they have not seen until now is my weakness, and since they have our relationship has come to a better place of understanding and who God on many levels. It’s ok to have weakness it shows that you are human, but if you give in to them remember to seek God for forgiveness and learn from it that it won’t become a habit. By doing so you are allowing your children and those around you see that God is merciful and forgiving. We will always have weakness, without it there could be no strength. I’m not a Superwoman, just a woman.


[Thursday, July 19, 2012]

2Corinthinans 10: 4-6 the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world (guns, knives, our negative words, etc.). On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient in Christ, and we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is fulfilled (completed).

(These is the footnotes of the NIV Life in the Spirit Study Bible)
Christian’s warfare involves bringing all our thoughts into alignment with Christ's will, failure to do so will lead to immorality and spiritual death. Use the following four steps to bring your thought life under Christ's lordship.

1.      Be aware that God knows every thought and that nothing is hidden from him. We will have to give account to God for our thoughts as well as for our words and deeds.

2.     Be aware that the mind is a battleground. Some thoughts originate within us, while others come directly from the enemy. To take captive every thought requires warfare against both our sinful nature and satanic forces. Steadfastly resist and reject evil and unwholesome thoughts in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that we as believers overcome our adversary by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by persistently saying "NO" to the devil, temptation and sin.

3.     Be resolute in focusing your mind on Christ and heavenly things rather than on earthly things, for the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. Fill our mind with God's Word and with those things that are noble, excellent and praiseworthy.

4.     Always be careful what your eyes see and your ears hear. Resolutely refuse to let your eyes be an instrument for lust or to set any worthless or evil thing before your eyes, whether in books, magazines, pictures, television programs, cinema, videos, internet or in real life.

If we use these tactics we will defeat the enemy every time. So be strong in the lord and in the power of His might. God bless

R you or R you not complaining?

[Monday July 30, 2012]
Have you ever found yourself talking about an issue or problem in your life more than (give or take) three times? Then you are now in a complaining state, because it's irrelevant for you to keep bring it up. You are a complainer. (Don't let the devil deceive you, you're not using it for an example or to get a point across) Stop talking about it and do something about. If you don't have the authority to do something in the natural than get in your SECRET closet and pray to God about it WITH THANKSGIVING until something happens. Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto GOD (not your friends). Otherwise you become like the children of Israel going around the same mountain for 400 years. Don't be a complainer, be a prayer warrior.


[Thursday, September 13, 2012] What is the will of God for me? I asked that question over and over again in my head as I go through my pain and suffering in my body. I do understand that God is a healer and that He can and will heal me. But what I didn't understand or at least had to be reminded. What is He waiting on? I have been going through this affliction for some years now, but I have been getting by with comforting of God and His word, but lately my affliction has put a toll on me. One morning after a horrible night of pain and agony, I prayed to the lord this simple prayer.
  "Lord Jesus thank you for waking me up this morning after a hard night of sleep, but I do thank you for comforting me last night. I have a question that I might have asked you before and because I didn't take it to heart I may have forgotten. I know that you are my healer and that you can and will heal me in my do season, but my question to you is. What is your will for me while I'm waiting  and what is this pain and suffering all about? I have search high and low to see whether I am in the faith 2Corinthians 13: 5, and I have found that I am, more than I ever knew. As my heart was still full of questions, the lord spoke to me and told me to go to His word without giving me scripture to go to. So I opened my bible the (Life in the Spirit Study Bible) and the first thing I seen in big bold letters is THE WILL OF GOD I wept like a baby with a yes lord in my heart, but that wasn't good enough, I had to read the whole section concerning the WILL OF GOD to get a deeper understanding concerning my situation. This section took me to THE SUFFERING OF THE RIGHTEOUS, which was another whole section, and this is where I found my answer and I pray as I quote to you from the (Life in the Spirit Study Bible notes), you will receive and understand your pain and suffering. Every believer has some kind of pain and suffering that they are going through or have been through and in a resting place getting ready for the next battle, or you have to ask yourself. Are you in the faith?

"God uses suffering not only to strengthen our faith, but also to help us to grow in Christian character and righteousness. According to both Paul and James, God wants us to learn patience through suffering (Rom. 5: 3-5, Jas. 1: 3). In suffering we learn to depend less on ourselves and more on God and His grace (Rom. 5:3, 2Cor. 12: 9).  We must be attuned to what God may want us to learn from our suffering. God may also allow pain and affliction so that we might be better able to comfort and encourage other sufferers (2Co. 1:4), thus the effectiveness of our ministry deepens and increases (2Co. 4:7-12). We must use our experience of pain to encourage and strengthen other believers."

There is more but I want you to search for yourselves to make it very personal. I do have to say though, after my study I remembered the ministry God put in me which I have and will be dealing with a lot of people that are homeless, sick and diseased. So what I'm going through is perfect for my ministry. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Another Level of Faith

Ok I do have to admit that I didn’t quit understand what God wanted from me when He told me to start a blog and because of my teachers gift I automatic thought that I was supposed to teach the word through blogging. It was not until I was in the emergency room for ongoing health issues that my 16 yrs. old daughter at the time enlightens my understanding. Here I am a Christian going in and out of the hospital with a condition that the doctors didn’t know how to treat. When I first moved to Texas I had this new health insurance that had a waiting list of 4 to 6 month before I could be assigned to a primary care doctor. So until then I was in and out of the emergency room which was not delightful at all, OR in and out of clinics which took my whole day, and when I say my whole day I’m not kidding. What I'm about to say may sound weird to some but understanding to others. My health issues started in California. I use to love going to the hospital in a since that finally someone was taking care of me, you know with the nurse staff and all coming to aid you at your every beck and call? It was like being on a mini vacation or something, even though pain is what got me there. Now I have to be on my last leg to go anyway near a hospital. 
When I first moved to Texas and having to use the emergency room and clinics, I haven’t had one good experience. I believe God allow it that way so that I won’t depend on the doctors more than Him.  I do have to make clear that I have been going to Jesus in prayer, praying the prayer of faith and quoting scriptures as I was taught trying to dodge the trips to the hospital. I thought that since He hadn't removed this thorns in my flesh, He must want me to take this route for a season and reason. I have and still depend on God for my healing whether through a miracle or the doctors I yet trust His decision for me, because He knows what best for me.  Since then He has given the doctors the wisdom, knowledge and understanding concerning my situation that they will be able to help my healing process, therefore my prayers goes out to the doctors because I’m learning God chooses them too. So If you’re not healed right away, know that God can and He will whether here on earth or when we take on our heavenly bodies.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you how my daughter enlightened me. One day in the emergency room I was talking with 2 other patients about my conditions and how God said to me in prayer “My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness”, 2Cor. 12:9.  I started to tell them that through it all my strength and faith in God is growing and how God is using my health situation to bless others by not giving up on my faith. You know how people look at Christian as if we are exempt from health issues, financial problems, and family problems, etc.? Well, that’s not true, we are not exempt. We have the same life issue that others have until the day of Christ. We are just able to handle each situation different then the world, we depend on God’s grace, strength and word. He said in His word "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”, Matthew 11: 28-30. Does that sound like we won’t have any issues in life? I rest my case. When I was talking with the 2 other patients I told them that I was surprised that I was telling them, because I normally don’t let people know what I’m going through concerning my health, because God is a healer and I didn’t want to become a stumbling block to the unbelievers. Which I found out later the way I was feeling was of the devil because I was feeling ashamed being a Christian with health issues. That met I was ashamed of the gospel, because in 2Timothy 1: 8 - 12 ( Read at your our pace and time) Paul talking to Timothy concerning ashamed of the gospel and the lord opened my eyes and understanding of verse 8  "Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God. Also verse 12 says " For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." In case you didn't know Paul wrote Timothy  advising him to drink a little wine concerning his stomach and often infirmities, which you can find in 1 Timothy 5: 23. So therefore we don't know how often Timothy's stomach bothered him or the other infirmities. Now back to my daughter, she said.  “Maybe God wants you to use your blog to tell your story experiences with him, because there are other Christians that are going through the same thing and are losing their faith and becoming weary, because they don’t understand what faith really is”. Like the 2 other patients, I didn’t know at that moment they were also Christians. They said  they were really glad to talk with me and that God used me to encourage them, and I didn’t even know that as I was encouraging them, I was encouraging myself in the process lol. Isn’t that funny? God bless



Don't cha Know

I was studying one morning in the Book of Exodus chp. 34: when Moses came from the mount talking with God for 40 days and 40 nights and did ...