God is Speaking Part Two (Prophetic)

I dreamed another dream that I was again, at the corner of my old neighborhood  as before, but this time I was in the air observing and seeing only one group of people and not  two. As I looked at the group, again something got my attention in the sky above them. I looked, but this time it was not a face, but a male voice with a sound and tone of authority that came from the sky. Within me I knew that voice was God.  He was speaking to the group and this time I could hear what He was saying and I could see with my eyes as my eyes looked to the sky and then to the group back and forth as a conversation was going on. I heard the voice  say, "This is what you shall do and this is what you shall not do." I could hear the group responding back to the voice saying. "I tried, we tried, but."  They were making hand gestures in conversation with the voice and pointing to each other as to blame. This conversation went on for a good minute before the voice said with a loud authority shout and at the same time what looked like a lightening pen writing in big bold Gothic font letters, and I could see the pen (which I believe was the finger of God) writing in the sky, WICKED! WICKED! WICKEDNESS! Then I woke up with a hurt and sad heart as I rolled over in my bed, with a soft sad whisper saying, "God you are speaking again." Then I heard God say in a sad soft whisper, "my people making excuses, but man will be without excuses." Romans 1:20. I also heard Him say pertaining to the first dream He gave me. He said "they have eyes to see, and see not; They have ears to hear, and hear not. Ezekiel 12: 1-2, 


Thank you again for listening to the warnings of God.

 Lord Help Us All,

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