First, I
would like to thank my God Aba Father and Jesus Christ His son for giving me a
platform to share, teach and learn His holy word. I also want to say that I'm
not a scholar nor do I carry any licenses of one. I'm but a woman who loves the
Lord, His inflammable word and filled with the Holyspirit, and who is led by
God to blog concerning this matter. In the last few years, I've seen more woman
becoming Pastor then I have ever seen in my whole Christian life. They come in
a already established church with their Pastor title and join, with no members
of their own. It makes me wonder what happened to their flock and why aren't
they following them??? I remember the first time I seen a woman who carried the
role of a Pastor. This certain woman also had no flock at all, but just a
title. I also remember her spirit, which was very strong and conceit and had it
out for men. I remember the Holyspirit nudging me that she was carrying
Jezebel's spirit. Then suddenly, my eyes were opened to see Jezabel's spirit
popping up everywhere. The Holyspirit started teaching me about her and how she
has manipulated and seduced herself into the minds and spirit of woman and men
to take control of Gods people and His church (if possible). Since then, people
started asking me, do I believe in women Pastors and how I felt about it? I
answered stating that it's not about how I feel, but whether it's in the word
of God. I told them that it's not in the word of God and some wanted to argue
and some agreed. So, I felt led and my duty since now that I have a platform to
share and elaborate on the word of God my studies concerning woman Pastors. So,
before I start, I would like to pray for every reader of this blog.
Prayer: Father God in the name of
Jesus, I pray for each person that reads this blog. I pray that they will gain
wisdom, knowledge, understanding with revelation of your word. I pray Lord God
that their hearts are in a place to receive, and their minds are in a place to
understand. I also pray for those that I know to be female pastors that they
will not take my findings the wrong way, for I am not out to hurt, harm or
rebuke anyone. I love you with the love of God. Now, Father I pray for myself,
for Holyghost boldness to speak the truth in season and out of season, in
Jesus's name I pray amen.
On a personal note: I ask my readers if you
have any scripture(s) that I may have forgotten or comments/feedback you would
like to include with my studies, please feel free to do so utilizing the
"post comment" button below or you can email me at
Also, I want to point out that everything that you read in this blog comes from
the (King James Study bible) and the (New International Life in the Spirit
Study Bible) with their notes, which I've been utilizing for years. I stick
with these versions because there are too many versions of the bible in this
world and Revelation 22: 18-19 says. "For I testify unto every man that
heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these
things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And
if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God
shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and
from the things which are written in this book." (KJV)
Please Read: Luke 9: 37 - 50 now
or in your personal time. Now, just to give you a little understanding why God
is allowing women to Pastor or Jezabel to run ramped. I would
like to focus on verse 49-50 (kjv) when the disciples were reasoning between
themselves which one of them should be greatest. "And John answered and
said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbade him,
because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto
him, forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us." Now the
craziest or can I say, the silliest thing that I noticed in verse 41, Jesus
calls the disciples "faithless and perverse generation", because in
verse 38,39 they were not able to cast out the demon that was in a little boy.
So, for them to go to Jesus about some man doing what they couldn't do is
remarkable to me. It's like they were jealous and hating on the man. Now, I
understand why Jesus said in verse 50 "Forbid him not: for he that is not
against us is for us." What Jesus said made me think about woman Pastors.
Now, do you see why I ask you to read verses 37-50? To get the whole picture
of God allowing. Even though women Pastors are out of the
order of Gods design (which I will prove), we must speak the word of God with
love, not command or protest. Paul said in Philippians 1:15-18 (kjv) "What
then? Notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretense, or in truth, Christ
preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." Could I apply
that scripture to women Pastors? Yes, if they are preaching truth of God's
word. I also want to say that I'm not the judge at the end, but God is, and God
have mercy on whom He pleases. Ex. 33:19, Rom. 9: 15-16. I'm just giving
scriptures and understanding of them.
Footnotes from: (Life in the Spirit
Study Bible) of Phi. 1:15-18 "Some of those sharing the gospel were doing
so with the proper motive, but other believers were preaching for the wrong
reasons. The right motivation is love, the love for God and the gospel. The
love for Paul, and love for unbelievers. Improper motives are envy, strife, and
selfish ambition. Now, concerning Paul being in prison some egotistical (overly
concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests) Christians were jealous
of the apostle and rejoiced over his imprisonment, for it gave them opportunity
to be in the limelight. Supposing to add affliction to his bonds: They hoped
that when Paul learned of their being the center of attention, his chains would
become particularly galling (annoying; humiliating, vexatious and provoking) to
him". People should understand that Ephesians 4: 11-12 says (kjv)"And
it was HE who gave some, apostles: and some, prophets; and some evangelists;
and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work
of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ".
Footnotes from: (kjv) "Verse 11
identifies some of the spiritual gifts given to the church. These are the
God-given abilities enabling some Christians to have functioned as apostles,
some as prophets, some as evangelists, and others in the role of pastors and
teachers. The Greek construction for the last mentioned should be rendered
pastors-teachers. This indicates that a pastor-teacher has a dual
function: he pastors in overseeing his parishioner’s spiritual
lives, and he teaches by instructing them in the
All these offices are
separated when it comes to an office in the church". Everyone I have
inquired concerning women Pastors and what does the bible say about it. They
always referred me to Mary Magdalene, Esther, or Deborah. Which I still can't
see how they are interpreting the bible concerning these women. Yes, Mary
Magdelene was a follower of Jesus and stayed close to Him and Jesus
may have shared with her some things that he didn't share with the disciples.
Mary Magdalene loved Jesus to the utmost, and after His death, some theologies
would say she had taught the word of God in her home. Ok, she probably did
teach/share in her home, but that doesn’t make her a Pastor. I would say it
made her a teacher/preacher if anything, and one that spread the gospel.
Again, something all Christian are given to do. I can even see the disciples
going to her, because she was so close to Jesus, asking her questions or even
listening with others as she taught/preach the words of Christ that did not
make it to the pages of the bible. You must ask yourself. If I start a bible
study in my home, would that make me a Pastor? No, but a teacher/preacher with
or without license. People also like to use Mary Magdelene because Jesus
appeared to her first, giving a message (only) to let the disciples know
that He is alive and has risen. There's no reason or explanation why Jesus
appears first to Mary Magdalene and not the disciples. But in my mind, I think
it's because Jesus trusted her with the word, but that still doesn’t make her a
Pastor, but that Jesus trusted her because there's no coincidence in God. I
also want to add that God also told Mary (Jesus's mother) to pounder
only on a lot of things that she knew and seen. Let's look at the word
preach, it means to proclaim, to share the gospel, sometimes in a sermon. I was
used in time past to bring forth a word (sermon) or two or three in my church,
but that’s it, that didn't make me a Pastor. Let's look at Mark 16:9-15. (kjv)
verse 11 took me as a surprise how the disciples acted. Here's Mary trying to
encourage them that Jesus is alive, but they didn't believe her. I can't help
thinking about how women were looked at in those days. They didn't want women
to do anything but keep the home and children in order, cook and teach the
young woman how to properly carry themselves (which is not a bad thing and need
to be encouraged in some of our homes and churches today). I believe that's why
1 Corinthians 14:33-35 is a good example. In the (kjv) it's titled "Order
in worship". Paul was instructing the church in Corinthians because it was
out of order and they were speaking in tongues, prophesying, and asking
questions, etc., all at the same time while the Pastor was given his sermon.
That's why Paul had to address the churches. Verse 34 (kjv) "Let your
women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law." Now,
if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a
shame for women to speak in the church". Why was it such an issue
for women to ask questions? Paul was not forbidding them to not ask questions
about what they are hearing, but to not ask during service while the word of
God is going forth which will interrupt the service. That's what the women were
doing in those days, and that's why Paul said in verse 35 "if they will
learn anything, let them ask their husband at home." Even now today it is
not proper for anyone to stand up and ask the Pastor a question concerning his
sermon or whisper back and forth with our husbands/wife's or friends, because
it is rude. All should be able to ask questions in bible study or even Sunday
School, but that's normally when it's a smaller setting. Shoot, I have asked my
formal Pastor questions all the time and he would stop and answer them. He encourages
the congregation to ask questions because that means we are paying attention
and learning. There were times when I couldn’t understand the answer and he
would sit there until I did. Some of the congregation would try to help, but
sometimes to no avail. We would finally give up. I would write
the question down and ask God at home in my personal studies, which He always
come through. Especially after praying before I study asking for Gods divine
wisdom, knowledge and understanding, with revelation. Now, moving forward.
Let talk about Deborah who
some use to interpret that women can be Pastors, but before we go there. You
know what bothers me the most? When people say, "God is doing a new
thing" Ish. 43:19 and that supposed to be the green light for women.
Isaiah 43:19 has nothing to do with it. God was talking about the judgement of
the Babylonians and delivering His people. You would want to start reading from
verse 14 to understand what “new thing” is, but here are the footnotes from my
(NIV) Life in the Spirit Study Bible for that verse.
Footnotes from: (kjv)"God would
judge the Babylonians and deliver His people. They would receive a "new
thing", a time of forgiveness, blessing, restoration, and God's presence;
for this they would praise their God." but before I move forward, I ask
that you please forgive me for I'm not trying to attack women, for I am woman.
I'm just preaching/sharing the bible concerning today situations led by God,
because when it comes to the word of God. if it's not in the bible then it's
not of God. God always confirms with His word with his word. We must be careful
when sharing/preaching, 1 John 4:1 says "Beloved, believe not every
spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world"(kjv). Now, back to Deborah.
She was a woman of God who loved God to the utmost, and she cared so much for
her people. Knowing they were about to be attacked by the army of king Jabin of
Caanan who was led by Sisera a great commander, she felt that she had to do
something. So, she rose to great leadership (not pastoral ship). She trusted
God wholly and could inspire others to trust God the same. Judges 4 gives you
the whole story, but to make a long story short, my Life in the Spirit Study
Bible (NIV) notes for verse 4 says this: "Deborah was a Prophetess,
she had prophetic gifts, which enabled her to hear messages from God and to
communicate his will to the people. Deborah's close relationship with God gave
her great influence among her people." She was a Prophet of
peace, and people would come from far away to hear her. She had a burning
passion to do something concerning the enemy who was coming to destroy her
people. That passion for peace in her influence others to develop an army of
their own. She even had great influence with one of Israel greatest military
Footnotes from: (kjv) "Deborah performed legal and military duties in addition to being a Prophetess. She was one of only four Old Testament women identified as a prophetess and was the only female Judge who judged Israel at that time". In verse nine theirs a man name Barak whom I'm not sure who he was, and I didn’t do any studies on him, but he was commanded by God to through Deborah to take 10,000 men with him to battle and God will deliver Jabin's army into his hand, but Barak was afraid and said in verse 8 "I would not go unless you (Deborah) go with me". Which she did, but she Prophesied saying in verse 9 "I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honor; for the Lord shall sell Sesera into the hand of a woman."
Now looking at Barak and his fear of going into battle. Even though God told him He would deliver his enemy into his hand, yet he still was afraid. I can see a woman full of faith stepping up concerning the situation only. Again, but not as a Pastor. Let's look at what I believe and have personally known, another reason why some women have becoming Pastors. You are a first lady and your husband/Pastor decided to step down for whatever reason, which this has and still is happening all over the world, but not publicly known as would a Mega church. There's no other man that qualifies to be a Pastor or have the nerve to step up. You the wife (first lady) decides to step up to keep the congregation together and to encourage them (still not as a Pastor). Now, what happens here is if a woman must step up to save the congregation, she could/should intervene for time to gather other leaders to discuss the situation and meantime have the congregation pray with her concerning her husband and their Pastor. That God will encourage him and rise him up again. That he would stand and take his place. Until then pray that God will send someone (man) to intervene and/or take over until further notice. I know God would do it because it was done in decent and in order. Now that's the proper way of handling situations like this scenario. Theirs also another reasons why women are becoming Pastors, but for the sake of this blog being now so long, I don’t want to lose your interest. I do know some women believe that God has and is still calling them to be a Pastor, but I truly believe that strong calling they feel is a strong anointing to be a Great Leader of whatever God reveals, but not Pastoral office. God cannot, has not and will not go against His own word. It's God, then man, then woman is His design. Now, do you ready think God would ignore His divine order? I too have a strong anointing and was told by more than two, that I have an Apostle anointing. Did I pick that up and run with it? No. I was even a member of a church who would have honored that calling (with taking the right classes), but I know my design in God. Sounds good and would look good, but just like the devil sounding good in Eve's ears and the fruit looking good to the eyes and I'm sure tasted good. God would have to change His word, which I know is not going to happen. Why? Because God is a God that changes not for nobody. Praises be to the Highest! Now, my last and only reason concerning the bible that women use to confirm is Esther. I'm not even sure how Esther could be used as an excuse for women pastors. God placed Esther in the right place for the right time for the right reason. To intercede for His and her people, the Jews. She went before the King (which you could never do as the king's wife without being summoned or beckoned). Fasting and praying for 3 days, she went before the King anyway with God on her side and was granted favor by the King to allow the Jews to fight back for their freedom, since the King could not take back his decree that Mordecai drew up against the Jews that he signed off on. Esther didn't even want to have anything to do with the decree or her uncle plead. She even ignored her uncle Mordecai twice, but on the third plead he had to put her in her place reminding her she too is a Jew, and that God has made her Queen probably "for such a time as this". Esther 4:13-14 (kjv) So, you see Esther has nothing to do with women becoming Pastors. Theirs more women in the bible that people use. I understand that this world is coming to its closure and evil is at its highest peak and growing wicket every day. I truly believe that for some women becoming a pastor is for their own gain and for some an honest mistaking calling. Therefore, I continue to pray for guidance and that God will open our spiritual ears and understanding with His revelation to hear His voice more clearly. That we would wait for true conformation from God and His word and not just mere people, because people only tell you want you want to hear or what they think you want to hear. I rest my case.
MY CLOSING WORDS: Revelation 2: 20-23 "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach (as a Pastor) and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am HE which searcheth (continually) the reins (minds) and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. (at judgement).”
Footnotes from: (Life in the Spirit Study Bible) "A prevalent sin within the church in Thyatira was the tendency to tolerate sin, unrighteousness or unbiblical teaching in its leaders. Christ calls one particular person "Jezebel," a name derived from the OT Jezebel and synonymous with idolatry, sensuality and manipulative control (1King 16:31, 19: 1-3, 21: 1-15). Some at Thyatira were submitting to or tolerating a spiritual Jezebel who exhibited great charisma, along with manipulative and seductive influence. Christ condemns this Jezebel and the freedom to sin that she represents. We must reject all spokespersons or, who put their own words above Biblical revelation 1 Corinthians 14:29 and who state that God accepts within the church sexual immorality and other questionable acts of compromise with the world. Some in the church may tolerate such false teaching because of indifference, personal friendships, or fear of confrontation, or because of a desire for peace, harmony, personal advancement, or money. God says he will judge such leaders and punish all those who sin in these ways and do not repent." Meaning they can be repent and be saved. Speaking of 1 Corinthians 14:29 the (Life in the Spirit Study Bible) concerning weighing the spirits footnotes reads: "If the church has not set up proper and orderly ways to judge prophecies, it has failed to follow Biblical guidelines."
Now, I know this sounds harsh, but it is what it is. You may think that it’s not concerning Women Pastor's, but it is. The church is tolerating Spiritual Jezebel who with her manipulative and seductive influence spirit (us women can have) be real and tell the truth and shame the devil. I too, had to face myself when God showed me that I had a manipulative spirit and I knew exactly when He showed me where I allowed this spirit to rein, yes, the Christian that I am. I pray, intercede, and believe with all my heart. If we women would pray, fast, and consecrate ourselves and our churches when we are in a situation like the above concerning our men and Pastors. God will hear our cry and raise our men up where they belong and lead us. Remember women, we are the help meet of our men and the Mary Magdalena's, Deborah’s, and Esther's of today, and it wouldn't take anything from us. 1 Timothy 2:9-15 Public Worship (The Church) I know times has changed and God knows too, He knew before us and already had it mapped out for the woman's role before time. If bible can't support women Pastors, then it is of a Jezebel spirit that has gone wild.
Lord Help Us All,
On a personal note: We women can be very emotional; we have monthly periods that in the old times women could not even enter the church during her monthly. Plus, when a woman becomes pregnant, what then? Our emotions are all over the place. Also what about after she has her baby, What then? We're not built to carry a Pastoral office, we have so much in us that God has design to nourish, care for and uphold our men and children in prayer and supplication and life itself. We can carry a lot, because we are made to be a help, not to take over. Salem (Pause and Camly Think on This)
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