
I just relized that cuss words seems to be part of every language on earth and people use them like so. I wont be surprised if they become apart of our school curriculum. What do you think?🤔

Better Choice

I choose to eat healthier today and I will choose to eat healthier on another day. I will keep on choosing to eat healthy until my choices become a daily habit. Salem😇


As I was studying the word of the God for my next blog entry.  I stumble on something that I thought was worth blogging as I considered myself. Revelation 21 talks about the New Heaven and New Earth and who will enter in.  Verse 7-8 says  Life in the Spirit NIV (Study Bible) "He who overcomes will inherit all this, (talking about heaven) and I will be his/her God and he/she will be my son/daughter. but the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars.  Their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur, which is the second death." (and another study) verse 7 Notes: "God himself declares who will inherit the blessing of the new heaven and the new earth.  Those who faithfully persevere as Christ's overcomers., but those who do not overcome Satan, sin and ungodliness will be thrown into the fiery lake.
Now, who are Christ overcomer? ( Rev. 2:7 notes) " An overcomer is one who, by God's grace received  through faith in Christ, has experienced the new birth and remains constant in victory over sin, the world's system and Satan.
  • Surrounded by great opposition and rebellion, overcomers refuse to conform to the world and to any ungodliness within the visible church and its lukewarm culture (v-24)  They hear and respond to what the Spirit says to the churches, remain faithful to Christ to the very end (v-26) and accept only God's standard revealed in his holy Word (3:8).
  • The promise to overcomers in God's churches, and only the overcomers, is that they will eat of the tree of life, will not be hurt by the second death (v.11), will receive hidden manna and be given a new name in heaven (v.17), will be given authority over the nations (v.26) (for me is another study), will not have their names removed from the book of life but will be honored by Christ before his Father and the angels (3:5). Will remain with God in his temple and will bear the name of God, Christ and the new Jerusalem (3:21), and will be forever God's children (21:7).  
  • The secret of victory for overcomers is Christ atoning death, their own faithful testimony about Jesus, and their perseverance in love for Christ even to death (Chp. 12:11; cf. 1Jn 5:4). Note that we either overcome sin, the world and Satan, or we are overcome by them and are ultimately thrown into the lake of fire (v. 11; 3:5; 20:15; 21:8)  There is no intermediate group, (As some preach).
Now above is all about the overcomers that will enter in Heaven and God's Kingdom and given a new name. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, etc. will be thrown in the late of fire. OK, that word cowardly got my attention, because as being a believer I know sometimes I'm not an overcomer.  I've never been a fighter in the real world and in the spiritual world I just know that prayer gets me through and this too shall pass, even when I don't win my battles sometimes.  Like what I've been going through concerning my physical afflictions for some years now.  I do say though I'm much better then I use to be and like Joyce Meyer would always say "I'M NOT WHERE I USE TO BE AND I MAY NOT BE WHERE I WANT TO BE, BUT I'M OK AND I'M ON MY WAY!"  That's what I do know:).  This is what Life in the Spirit (Study Bible) notes says about the cowardly in verse 8.
"BUT THE COWARDLY, THE UNBELIEVING: God mentions several classes of people whose place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
  • The "cowardly" are those who fear the disapproval and threat of people more than they value loyalty to Christ and the truth of his Word.  Their personal safety and status on earth mean more to them than faithfulness to God.  "The cowardly" include the compromise'rs among God's people who give up the fight and do not conquer, (see cf Mrk. 8:35, Rom. 8:37 word study, 1Th 2:4, notes;  2Tim. 2:12-13, notes).
  • The "unbelieving" include former believers in Christ who, because of unbelief and disobedience (cf. Heb. 3:12-19), were overcome by various sins, such as those listed in verse 8.  To profess Christ and then practice such evil is an abomination to God.
  • Many churches today proclaim that it is possible for a person to be simultaneously a true child of God and an immoral person, liar, adulterer, homosexual or murderer.  Such people contradict God's clear words here and elsewhere (cf. 1Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5-7)
Now, after reading the above scriptures and study notes for clarification.  I now know that I too fall short of the glory of God.  Have a clear understanding that as long as we stay true and faithful to God even in our stumbling's, we will make it in.  If you ask, Why?  Then I'm force to tell you that we have a true High Priest sitting at the right hand of God interceding for those who believe and are true saints fighting this spiritual warfare and knowing who is his and who is not.  As long as we go to him in spirit and truth He is faithful and true to forgive us of our sins.  Remember, He knows that our hearts "is deceitful above all things and disparately wicked, What man knows it?  But God, who tries the reins of our heart. So don't think that we can come short knowing this.  We must work towards perfection, because faith without works is dead.  Remember, "HE SITS UP HIGH AND LOOK DOWN LOW AND SEE THE HEARTS OF EVERY MAN".
I pray this helps you as it did me and more.

Lord Help Us All,

Regurgitating the word of God

Day after day after day. Month after month after month, and time after time after time. God has blessed and provided ways for me to pay all my bills, keep gas in the car and food on the table and clothes on my back. Sometimes I take a look back and try to see how I made it this far. I know it was only because of Gods faithfulness, grace and mercy that I can sit here and type these words with a clear head. With no thought of my needs not being made because God has met them all. Hallelujah! Which brings me to my topic.

Tonight as I was listening to Bishop T.D Jakes conduct bible study (which I tuned in past half of the whole lesson) and don’t have a scripture to prove it lol, but his topic was called "Anchor" (which has nothing to do with my topic), but it was something he said that brought me to post this. It had to do with being thankful for the things God is doing and has done.  I believe in sharing what God has shown me about myself (which I wasn't always like this), but now I've come to know and feel more encouraged, because if it is or has happen to me, it is and has happen to others. Why? Because 1Corinthians 10:13 say "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

So again, what does this have to do with my topic? Here goes. God has brought to my attention that I was regurgitating His word. Then He allow my head to replay a conversation at work today that I was brought into. Oh, this doesn't mean I was innocent because I have been brought into this conversation. I have been brought into conversations at work plenty of time before, just to set the record straight. The conversation wasn't a bad conversation, it's just that as Christians we must be careful what we say (which I was not). Quite often I have found myself part of a conversation discussing our job duties, and who's not doing what and what we are doing more of and who is being shown favor.  Now you know as Christians the favor of God is always on us, and as the saying goes, "favor isn't fair", lol. So I shouldn't have to say anything about someone being shown favor because I'm guilty as charge. So anyways, I shouldn't have anything to complain about because God blessed me with every job that I had from the littlest to the biggest. When God place something on my plate I suppose to eat it with gladness of heart. When I complained I was regurgitating Gods blessings, favor and His word.  His word says in 1Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks: for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." The footnotes (kjv): "In every event or circumstance (thing) the Christians is to give thanks to God for the good He can bring out of the event, even should the event be unpleasant." Like issues at work, church, home or school, etc. The bible also says in Philippians 4:6-7 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

It all boils down to when you complain you regurgitate the word of God and you will find yourself remaining in the same situation, and sometimes (if not learned) the same situation with different individuals. One of my favorite quotes comes from Joyce Meyers and it goes like this. "Complain and Remain, but Praise and be Raised".


Lord Help Us All,



I had a dream this morning that I was on the church stage singing a new song sounding like an angel. The church was full, and everyone was touched by the song even me.  After the song I started to go into my sermon because I also was the speaker for the day.  When I start speaking all the people started getting up and leaving, but I continued to share the word of God.  When I looked up again to the audience, they were all gone accept the 1st lady (the pastor's wife) and another lady that was with her. Then the 1st lady looked toward the door were everyone had gone out of, where she noticed someone trying to get her attention. Then the 1st lady said to me that she had to go and see what the person wanted, and the other lady followed.

I woke up thinking to myself no one wanted to hear the word of God but was gong ho about the music.  Then I remember the word of God that says in 2Timothy 4:3 - 4 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; But after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables."

God Help Us All,


I woke up this morning from a dream that we the USA was being attacked by the Red Coats???

Lord Help Us All😇




I woke up out of my sleep, but still sleep singing this old gospel song called.

"Soon and Very Soon" we are going to see the king, is the rest of that chore. I remember being asleep, but not sleeping, but like being in a between state of mind motioning my hands as to be worshipping the lord like a praise dancer. When I woke up, I felt so close to God and at the same time wondering if He was calling me home.  


I was sitting on my daughter's couch resting my mind. Suddenly that old song came up again, "Soon and Very Soon" we are going to see the king. It was so clear that I remembered the first time hearing it. The first being asleep, but not sleep and now wide awake.

The next day being 09/12/2021 and a Sunday. I was sitting in my car under a shade tree joining a church service online. You see, I had some car issues that I was not able to attend personally. Again, I heard this old song, but this time the choir of the church was singing it, which made me think right away that either God was telling me I was going to give up the ghost and see Him soon or Jesus Christ was coming for his bride (The Church) very soon.

Now, since it is 05/22/2023 and neither of the two has happened yet. I'm assuming that God wants me to warn everyone that The Rapture is nigh thee, even in thy mouth. Also, because we don't know the day or hour of this prophetic event is to happen. I say here and now it is soon and very soon. Singular or together to meet the lord in the air, it's up to Him. All I can say concerning all this is that we must all adorn ourselves as a bride preparing herself for her wedding day daily…


Lord Help Us All,


On May 12, 2023, I woke up to a knock at my front door. I asked who it was, and they did not answer, so I asked again, but they did not answer. I opened the door to see a package on the porch from my daughter in Texas.  A Mother's Day gifts, which I was very surprised because we always communicate when it comes to sending each other things. I opened the package and viewed what was inside, then picked up my phone to call her to say thank you, even not understanding why she would send me such a gift. The gift was four or five weird necklace looking objects. I put one around my neck anyway and took a picture and was in process of sending it before I call, but I decided to call her first. When she picked up the phone, I thanked her in a way trying not to show voice that I didn't quite like the gift. She then said "mom I remember you telling me that you were getting new eyeglasses, so I thought about you and how they would look great with your new glasses and have a choice of designing for your outfit. OMG! Thats when it clicks in my mind that what I thought was necklaces where eye wear for my glasses and how I use to have one years ago, a gold one until it took form of another color. I tried to find and purchase another one but couldn't find them anymore. My heart rejoiced with gladness and feeling silly at the same time as I remembered what the gift actually was lol. 
After we both laughed so hard and finished our conversation, the next morning a knock at the door woke me up again. Again, I asked who was at the door and again they didn't answer. So, I said to myself it must be another package. I opened the door to reach down, but only to see a tall slim young lady standing in front of me looking like my daughter. I was in awe and in unbelief at the same time. I held out my arms to embrace her as I cried like a baby. You see, my daughter is moving to Florida, and I told her that I wanted to see her before she leaves but due to the fact that time came and went so fast for her to leave, I just knew it wasn't going to happen and I with a sad heart accepted it. BUT GOD! Our God knows our heart and desires and feels what we feel. He's not a God that's so far away that He cannot feel or understand what we go through or desire to do or have. All things will happen for you in due time, in your due season. Just wait on Him, with patience and let patience have its perfect work. I pray this post encourages you and bring you hope to your situation and circumstances. 

Lord Help Us All,

Can a women be a Pastor???

First, I would like to thank my God Aba Father and Jesus Christ His son for giving me a platform to share, teach and learn His holy word. I also want to say that I'm not a scholar nor do I carry any licenses of one. I'm but a woman who loves the Lord, His inflammable word and filled with the Holyspirit, and who is led by God to blog concerning this matter. In the last few years, I've seen more woman becoming Pastor then I have ever seen in my whole Christian life. They come in a already established church with their Pastor title and join, with no members of their own. It makes me wonder what happened to their flock and why aren't they following them??? I remember the first time I seen a woman who carried the role of a Pastor. This certain woman also had no flock at all, but just a title. I also remember her spirit, which was very strong and conceit and had it out for men. I remember the Holyspirit nudging me that she was carrying Jezebel's spirit. Then suddenly, my eyes were opened to see Jezabel's spirit popping up everywhere. The Holyspirit started teaching me about her and how she has manipulated and seduced herself into the minds and spirit of woman and men to take control of Gods people and His church (if possible). Since then, people started asking me, do I believe in women Pastors and how I felt about it? I answered stating that it's not about how I feel, but whether it's in the word of God. I told them that it's not in the word of God and some wanted to argue and some agreed. So, I felt led and my duty since now that I have a platform to share and elaborate on the word of God my studies concerning woman Pastors. So, before I start, I would like to pray for every reader of this blog. 

Prayer: Father God in the name of Jesus, I pray for each person that reads this blog. I pray that they will gain wisdom, knowledge, understanding with revelation of your word. I pray Lord God that their hearts are in a place to receive, and their minds are in a place to understand. I also pray for those that I know to be female pastors that they will not take my findings the wrong way, for I am not out to hurt, harm or rebuke anyone. I love you with the love of God. Now, Father I pray for myself, for Holyghost boldness to speak the truth in season and out of season, in Jesus's name I pray amen.

On a personal note: I ask my readers if you have any scripture(s) that I may have forgotten or comments/feedback you would like to include with my studies, please feel free to do so utilizing the "post comment" button below or you can email me at myoneandonlysavior@gmail.com. Also, I want to point out that everything that you read in this blog comes from the (King James Study bible) and the (New International Life in the Spirit Study Bible) with their notes, which I've been utilizing for years. I stick with these versions because there are too many versions of the bible in this world and Revelation 22: 18-19 says. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." (KJV)

Please Read: Luke 9: 37 - 50 now or in your personal time. Now, just to give you a little understanding why God is allowing women to Pastor or Jezabel to run ramped. I would like to focus on verse 49-50 (kjv) when the disciples were reasoning between themselves which one of them should be greatest. "And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbade him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us." Now the craziest or can I say, the silliest thing that I noticed in verse 41, Jesus calls the disciples "faithless and perverse generation", because in verse 38,39 they were not able to cast out the demon that was in a little boy. So, for them to go to Jesus about some man doing what they couldn't do is remarkable to me. It's like they were jealous and hating on the man. Now, I understand why Jesus said in verse 50 "Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us." What Jesus said made me think about woman Pastors. Now, do you see why I ask you to read verses 37-50? To get the whole picture of God allowing.  Even though women Pastors are out of the order of Gods design (which I will prove), we must speak the word of God with love, not command or protest. Paul said in Philippians 1:15-18 (kjv) "What then? Notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretense, or in truth, Christ preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." Could I apply that scripture to women Pastors? Yes, if they are preaching truth of God's word. I also want to say that I'm not the judge at the end, but God is, and God have mercy on whom He pleases. Ex. 33:19, Rom. 9: 15-16. I'm just giving scriptures and understanding of them.

Footnotes from: (Life in the Spirit Study Bible) of Phi. 1:15-18 "Some of those sharing the gospel were doing so with the proper motive, but other believers were preaching for the wrong reasons. The right motivation is love, the love for God and the gospel. The love for Paul, and love for unbelievers. Improper motives are envy, strife, and selfish ambition. Now, concerning Paul being in prison some egotistical (overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests) Christians were jealous of the apostle and rejoiced over his imprisonment, for it gave them opportunity to be in the limelight. Supposing to add affliction to his bonds: They hoped that when Paul learned of their being the center of attention, his chains would become particularly galling (annoying; humiliating, vexatious and provoking) to him". People should understand that Ephesians 4: 11-12 says (kjv)"And it was HE who gave some, apostles: and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ". 

Footnotes from: (kjv) "Verse 11 identifies some of the spiritual gifts given to the church. These are the God-given abilities enabling some Christians to have functioned as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and others in the role of pastors and teachers. The Greek construction for the last mentioned should be rendered pastors-teachers. This indicates that a pastor-teacher has a dual function: he pastors in overseeing his parishioner’s spiritual lives, and he teaches by instructing them in the Word." 

All these offices are separated when it comes to an office in the church". Everyone I have inquired concerning women Pastors and what does the bible say about it. They always referred me to Mary Magdalene, Esther, or Deborah. Which I still can't see how they are interpreting the bible concerning these women. Yes, Mary Magdelene was a follower of Jesus and stayed close to Him and Jesus may have shared with her some things that he didn't share with the disciples. Mary Magdalene loved Jesus to the utmost, and after His death, some theologies would say she had taught the word of God in her home. Ok, she probably did teach/share in her home, but that doesn’t make her a Pastor. I would say it made her a teacher/preacher if anything, and one that spread the gospel. Again, something all Christian are given to do. I can even see the disciples going to her, because she was so close to Jesus, asking her questions or even listening with others as she taught/preach the words of Christ that did not make it to the pages of the bible. You must ask yourself. If I start a bible study in my home, would that make me a Pastor? No, but a teacher/preacher with or without license. People also like to use Mary Magdelene because Jesus appeared to her first, giving a message (only) to let the disciples know that He is alive and has risen. There's no reason or explanation why Jesus appears first to Mary Magdalene and not the disciples. But in my mind, I think it's because Jesus trusted her with the word, but that still doesn’t make her a Pastor, but that Jesus trusted her because there's no coincidence in God. I also want to add that God also told Mary (Jesus's mother) to pounder only on a lot of things that she knew and seen. Let's look at the word preach, it means to proclaim, to share the gospel, sometimes in a sermon. I was used in time past to bring forth a word (sermon) or two or three in my church, but that’s it, that didn't make me a Pastor. Let's look at Mark 16:9-15. (kjv) verse 11 took me as a surprise how the disciples acted. Here's Mary trying to encourage them that Jesus is alive, but they didn't believe her. I can't help thinking about how women were looked at in those days. They didn't want women to do anything but keep the home and children in order, cook and teach the young woman how to properly carry themselves (which is not a bad thing and need to be encouraged in some of our homes and churches today). I believe that's why 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 is a good example. In the (kjv) it's titled "Order in worship". Paul was instructing the church in Corinthians because it was out of order and they were speaking in tongues, prophesying, and asking questions, etc., all at the same time while the Pastor was given his sermon. That's why Paul had to address the churches. Verse 34 (kjv) "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law." Now, if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church".  Why was it such an issue for women to ask questions? Paul was not forbidding them to not ask questions about what they are hearing, but to not ask during service while the word of God is going forth which will interrupt the service. That's what the women were doing in those days, and that's why Paul said in verse 35 "if they will learn anything, let them ask their husband at home." Even now today it is not proper for anyone to stand up and ask the Pastor a question concerning his sermon or whisper back and forth with our husbands/wife's or friends, because it is rude. All should be able to ask questions in bible study or even Sunday School, but that's normally when it's a smaller setting. Shoot, I have asked my formal Pastor questions all the time and he would stop and answer them. He encourages the congregation to ask questions because that means we are paying attention and learning. There were times when I couldn’t understand the answer and he would sit there until I did. Some of the congregation would try to help, but sometimes to no avail. We would finally give up. I would write the question down and ask God at home in my personal studies, which He always come through. Especially after praying before I study asking for Gods divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding, with revelation. Now, moving forward.   


Let talk about Deborah who some use to interpret that women can be Pastors, but before we go there. You know what bothers me the most? When people say, "God is doing a new thing" Ish. 43:19 and that supposed to be the green light for women. Isaiah 43:19 has nothing to do with it. God was talking about the judgement of the Babylonians and delivering His people. You would want to start reading from verse 14 to understand what “new thing” is, but here are the footnotes from my (NIV) Life in the Spirit Study Bible for that verse. 

Footnotes from: (kjv)"God would judge the Babylonians and deliver His people. They would receive a "new thing", a time of forgiveness, blessing, restoration, and God's presence; for this they would praise their God." but before I move forward, I ask that you please forgive me for I'm not trying to attack women, for I am woman. I'm just preaching/sharing the bible concerning today situations led by God, because when it comes to the word of God. if it's not in the bible then it's not of God. God always confirms with His word with his word. We must be careful when sharing/preaching, 1 John 4:1 says "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world"(kjv).  Now, back to Deborah. She was a woman of God who loved God to the utmost, and she cared so much for her people. Knowing they were about to be attacked by the army of king Jabin of Caanan who was led by Sisera a great commander, she felt that she had to do something. So, she rose to great leadership (not pastoral ship). She trusted God wholly and could inspire others to trust God the same. Judges 4 gives you the whole story, but to make a long story short, my Life in the Spirit Study Bible (NIV) notes for verse 4 says this: "Deborah was a Prophetess, she had prophetic gifts, which enabled her to hear messages from God and to communicate his will to the people. Deborah's close relationship with God gave her great influence among her people." She was a Prophet of peace, and people would come from far away to hear her. She had a burning passion to do something concerning the enemy who was coming to destroy her people. That passion for peace in her influence others to develop an army of their own. She even had great influence with one of Israel greatest military men. 

Footnotes from: (kjv) "Deborah performed legal and military duties in addition to being a Prophetess. She was one of only four Old Testament women identified as a prophetess and was the only female Judge who judged Israel at that time". In verse nine theirs a man name Barak whom I'm not sure who he was, and I didn’t do any studies on him, but he was commanded by God to through Deborah to take 10,000 men with him to battle and God will deliver Jabin's army into his hand, but Barak was afraid and said in verse 8 "I would not go unless you (Deborah) go with me". Which she did, but she Prophesied saying in verse 9 "I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honor; for the Lord shall sell Sesera into the hand of a woman." 

Now looking at Barak and his fear of going into battle. Even though God told him He would deliver his enemy into his hand, yet he still was afraid. I can see a woman full of faith stepping up concerning the situation only. Again, but not as a Pastor. Let's look at what I believe and have personally known, another reason why some women have becoming Pastors. You are a first lady and your husband/Pastor decided to step down for whatever reason, which this has and still is happening all over the world, but not publicly known as would a Mega church. There's no other man that qualifies to be a Pastor or have the nerve to step up. You the wife (first lady) decides to step up to keep the congregation together and to encourage them (still not as a Pastor). Now, what happens here is if a woman must step up to save the congregation, she could/should intervene for time to gather other leaders to discuss the situation and meantime have the congregation pray with her concerning her husband and their Pastor. That God will encourage him and rise him up again. That he would stand and take his place. Until then pray that God will send someone (man) to intervene and/or take over until further notice. I know God would do it because it was done in decent and in order. Now that's the proper way of handling situations like this scenario. Theirs also another reasons why women are becoming Pastors, but for the sake of this blog being now so long, I don’t want to lose your interest. I do know some women believe that God has and is still calling them to be a Pastor, but I truly believe that strong calling they feel is a strong anointing to be a Great Leader of whatever God reveals, but not Pastoral office. God cannot, has not and will not go against His own word. It's God, then man, then woman is His design. Now, do you ready think God would ignore His divine order? I too have a strong anointing and was told by more than two, that I have an Apostle anointing. Did I pick that up and run with it? No. I was even a member of a church who would have honored that calling (with taking the right classes), but I know my design in God. Sounds good and would look good, but just like the devil sounding good in Eve's ears and the fruit looking good to the eyes and I'm sure tasted good. God would have to change His word, which I know is not going to happen. Why? Because God is a God that changes not for nobody. Praises be to the Highest! Now, my last and only reason concerning the bible that women use to confirm is Esther. I'm not even sure how Esther could be used as an excuse for women pastors. God placed Esther in the right place for the right time for the right reason. To intercede for His and her people, the Jews. She went before the King (which you could never do as the king's wife without being summoned or beckoned). Fasting and praying for 3 days, she went before the King anyway with God on her side and was granted favor by the King to allow the Jews to fight back for their freedom, since the King could not take back his decree that Mordecai drew up against the Jews that he signed off on. Esther didn't even want to have anything to do with the decree or her uncle plead. She even ignored her uncle Mordecai twice, but on the third plead he had to put her in her place reminding her she too is a Jew, and that God has made her Queen probably "for such a time as this". Esther 4:13-14 (kjv) So, you see Esther has nothing to do with women becoming Pastors. Theirs more women in the bible that people use. I understand that this world is coming to its closure and evil is at its highest peak and growing wicket every day. I truly believe that for some women becoming a pastor is for their own gain and for some an honest mistaking calling. Therefore, I continue to pray for guidance and that God will open our spiritual ears and understanding with His revelation to hear His voice more clearly. That we would wait for true conformation from God and His word and not just mere people, because people only tell you want you want to hear or what they think you want to hear. I rest my case. 

MY CLOSING WORDS: Revelation 2: 20-23 "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach (as a Pastor) and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am HE which searcheth (continually) the reins (minds) and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. (at judgement).”

Footnotes from: (Life in the Spirit Study Bible) "A prevalent sin within the church in Thyatira was the tendency to tolerate sin, unrighteousness or unbiblical teaching in its leaders. Christ calls one particular person "Jezebel," a name derived from the OT Jezebel and synonymous with idolatry, sensuality and manipulative control (1King 16:31, 19: 1-3, 21: 1-15). Some at Thyatira were submitting to or tolerating a spiritual Jezebel who exhibited great charisma, along with manipulative and seductive influence. Christ condemns this Jezebel and the freedom to sin that she represents. We must reject all spokespersons or, who put their own words above Biblical revelation 1 Corinthians 14:29 and who state that God accepts within the church sexual immorality and other questionable acts of compromise with the world. Some in the church may tolerate such false teaching because of indifference, personal friendships, or fear of confrontation, or because of a desire for peace, harmony, personal advancement, or money. God says he will judge such leaders and punish all those who sin in these ways and do not repent." Meaning they can be repent and be saved. Speaking of 1 Corinthians 14:29 the (Life in the Spirit Study Bible) concerning weighing the spirits footnotes reads: "If the church has not set up proper and orderly ways to judge prophecies, it has failed to follow Biblical guidelines." 

Now, I know this sounds harsh, but it is what it is. You may think that it’s not concerning Women Pastor's, but it is. The church is tolerating Spiritual Jezebel who with her manipulative and seductive influence spirit (us women can have) be real and tell the truth and shame the devil. I too, had to face myself when God showed me that I had a manipulative spirit and I knew exactly when He showed me where I allowed this spirit to rein, yes, the Christian that I am. I pray, intercede, and believe with all my heart. If we women would pray, fast, and consecrate ourselves and our churches when we are in a situation like the above concerning our men and Pastors. God will hear our cry and raise our men up where they belong and lead us. Remember women, we are the help meet of our men and the Mary Magdalena's, Deborah’s, and Esther's of today, and it wouldn't take anything from us. 1 Timothy 2:9-15 Public Worship (The Church) I know times has changed and God knows too, He knew before us and already had it mapped out for the woman's role before time. If bible can't support women Pastors, then it is of a Jezebel spirit that has gone wild. 

Lord Help Us All,

On a personal note: We women can be very emotional; we have monthly periods that in the old times women could not even enter the church during her monthly. Plus, when a woman becomes pregnant, what then? Our emotions are all over the place. Also what about after she has her baby, What then? We're not built to carry a Pastoral office, we have so much in us that God has design to nourish, care for and uphold our men and children in prayer and supplication and life itself. We can carry a lot, because we are made to be a help, not to take over.  Salem (Pause and Camly Think on This)


People talk about being used by others, but did you not know that you can't be used by anyone if you love doing what you're doing for God, for them. Make sense?🤔


We have to learn to accept people for who they are. If you see that someone you know is not doing what you think or desire them to do. It's not up to us to convince or make them be who we want them to be or be like. We can want the best for others, but if we don't be careful, we will make them not wanting to be around us at all. Now, especially if they are harming themselves in any way, we want them to be comfortable coming to us for advice or assistance. So, as much as it hurts to see them moving in a different direction, we must pray for them and pray for guidance ourselves. God will always guide us in helping others, because sometimes we can become a crush to those we love, and they will never grow or receive from us. With the guidance from God, He will tell us when and when not to give, speak or let go.

Lord Help Us All,

Just Thinking

Stand, sit, wait. Sitting, waiting, waiting, sitting. Waiting, sitting, sitting, waiting. Only just to sit and wait some more. Patience, you gotta love her😏


I'm reading this book called "WORDS OF JESUS" from Life Outreach International Ministry. I don't even remember ordering this book, but I'm sure glad and blessed to have it. This book is just what it is. All the words that Jesus spoke from the first to the last. Anyway, I was reading the words Jesus spoke to the Disciples when they wanted to send the people that came to hear Jesus away so they can go to the market to get something to eat, and due to it being late in the day and they had been out there listen all day for hours. Jesus said in Matthew 14: 16 "They need not depart; give ye them to eat". Now to remind you prior before Jesus started preaching the kingdom to the people that on the same day, he had just heard about John the Baptist being beheaded and how it happened. Jesus went away to be alone when the people heard where he was going and went after him to hear more of the kingdom and heal their sick. 
Can you imagine trying to get away so you can grieve over a loved one that was just beheaded and the people wouldn't let you? In this life time, we would probably push them away. Even though I've heard testimonies of preachers and speakers that experienced the same grief, but continued to move forward and preach, I do have to ask myself if they didn't already have arrangements or engagement to speak, would they have moved forward? Not taking away from their testimony, but I can't help but wonder. Not like Jesus who never had arrangements or engagements to speak, he just spoke the word as he went. What I love about Jesus is that when he seen the people the bible said "he was moved with compassion" v-14. Knowing that he took a boat to get away and these people "followed him by foot out to the cities." v13. The "Life in the Spirit Study Bible" says in v-14 "When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them". That tells me that once the people found out where Jesus was going they manage to get there before him, wow, now that's how you seek, and I haven't even got to the point of this blog lol. So with that said, the point of me wanting to blog this scripture is when Jesus told the disciples to "bring them (the five loafs of bread and the two fishes) hither to me". All I can think about as I cried, is bringing all that I had at that moment to Jesus as the gospel song says "I'll give it all to you" that was playing and ministering to me, and how now the song "How deeply I need you" from the "Shekinah Gory Ministry" track is playing, I'm being double blessed right now and it's only by the holyspirit that I'm able to type😭😭😭. JESUS!JESUS!JESUS! GLORY TO GOD! That's all Jesus ask. BRING ALL THAT WE HAVE, No matter how big or small. No matter how new or old, or how good or bad, JUST BRING IT TO HIM! So Jesus can do what he did with the five loaves and two fishes. "Taking the five loaves and the two fish (all that you have) and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks (blessed it) and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples (back to you) and the disciples (you) gave them to the people (those around you). They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples (you) picked up twelve basket full of broken pieces that were left over", to give to others. Gotta go, can't say no more 😭😭😭!!!

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo

By the way, Jesus said in v-16 "YOU give them something to eat".


Wow, I just learned something, or can I say the lord just checked me? You decide. I met this lady who just happened to be homeless, and we became friends. Well, me being the type to person that I am when I see someone in need of something I just automatically reach out my hand to help or point to some resources, if I can. which I learned was my core purpose in God. Well, anyways, I extended my hand to help look for an apartment for her because she didn't want to live in a shelter or transactional home. Plese don't ask why. Anyways, as I was doing my research and running these apartments by her, I noticed that she kept saying no to a lot of them, because they weren't by her storage which is where she set up her camp and please don't ask me why I didn't offer her to stay with me, because that's a whole other story. So, I got a little frustrated because I explained to her that she doesn't have to worry about how she was going to move her stuff to her new place if she's far from it. I told her I would help with my vehicle which is how I moved in my new place and what we can't do God will provide. She said OK, but yet still didn't want to accept a place if it wasn't by her storage. Well, as we all know that "Beggers can't be choosers." So, I said to her that I if I continue to help her, she has to promise me whatever door God opens up for her she will walk in it. Now I know for a fact that if we trust God, He will place us where He knows what's best for us, because He withholds no good thing from us whose walk is blameless or upright" Psalm 84:11. So, she promised, but I tell you what. Since then, all she did was complain and keep saying she didn't want to move far from her stuff. OK, the storage thing again. So, I keep explaining to her for the ump teen time about trusting God and when God sees that you will accept something from Him that's out of your norm. He sees your heart and will bless you with your desires just like Abraham when God seen that he would sacrifice his son for Him, He provided a ram in the bush. The same thing applies in this lifetime with no exceptions. I ended up telling her since she keeps choosing her stuff over the will of God and what He has for her and due to the fact since I've been looking there's no apartments available where she wants to live. That I can just stop looking and move forward putting my time and energy with someone else. She agreed. This is the part that I learned something, or God checked me. I texted her saying. "I see that you love your stuff more than God or what He has for you." Well, God spoke nicely to my mind and heart saying, "so did and do you". WOW! He kindly reminded me of when I was on drugs, I met this nice guy who wanted to take me away from all and take care of me, but when he came to get me, I said no and didn't go with him, because I knew that I would be away from my drugs and friends. Then God reminded me of my present life, how I sometimes love sleep more than communing with Him in the morning. WOW! I agreed and asked God to forgive me. Then I texted my friend back telling her that I didn't mean to point the finger at her because I've done and still do sometimes choose things before God.

Lesson Learned😔

Lord Help Us All,

Survive it!

When life hits you in the gut, survive it. Scream, cry, shout or talk to someone that you trust who will give you the truth. Make sure you do this without hurting others. Just don't give up, and dont give up on your faith in God, but survive it. If you do this I promise you, this too shall pass, and you will live to see another day to look back and say "I survived".😇


What are we giving our eyes to? What are we giving our ears to? What kind of words are coming out of our mouths? If the majority of our time is spent on looking at evil, then evil will perform. For what we see enters into our mind and where the mind is the man will follow. If the majority of our time is spent on listening to evil, then evil will react. For what a man hears enters into the heart and out of the heart comes the issues of life. If the majority of our time is spent on speaking evil words, then evil will produce. For it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles us, but it's what comes out of the mouth and not only defiles us, but can and will hurt others, then evil will rain in our lives. Therefore, at the end of the day, and when it's all said and done, where evil is, Hell is close by. Be encouraged, Jesus died for our sins. God is still on the throne and His mercy is everlasting. Just repent and ask for forgiveness. Then start again working out your own salvation with fear (reverence) and trembling (seriousness). 


Note: Some of my words are quotes from the bible. Search it and study to show thyself approved unto God that you may rightly divide the word of truth unto all that ask of your faith😇

Lord Help Us All,


When the same people keep hurting you even after expressing to them how much they are hurting you. How do you guard your heart against that hurt? I tell you what I just learned. To ask God for the grace to help you accept them for who they are. That's just them.

Lord Help Us All,


Don't think, because God is using us means He approves and is ok with are sins. Remember and know that "gifts and callings are without repentance". Romans 11: 29-32. God will use any opened and willing vessel for His Glory. We have to make sure we are walking upright before Him through Christ Jesus. The time bomb is ticking faster and louder.

Lord Help Us All,



Food 4 thought

Be careful how you judge. Everyone that seems to be men pleaser IN YOUR EYES is not always true. Some people just love pleasing others and being around others, which brings out the best in them, and they probably don't even know it themselves.
If you dont live with them you don't know how they feel away from others. They may have a hard time motivating themselves. Who knows you may be the motivator to that person. SO HAVE A BLESS DAY MOTIVATING EACH OTHER!!!


I'm stitting here watching my favorite animal documentary channel on Pluto TV about spiders. Not knowing that their are over 37, 000 species of spider's and that they all have they own way of feeding and catching their prey. I was thinking about my great God the creator of the universe and how can most scientists be atheist??? It takes a great mind to make every creature on earth, and in the air to have a recycling purpose to keep the earth clean and working in its rightful order. Well, until man just had to sin with its pride and greedy mind. I mean every tree was good to eat, except one, and man hand to have it. Man had to want and be like God to know everything, so they thought. They didn't get anything the devil told them, and I bet the fruit didn't taste no different then the rest of the trees.  Just spiritual death for nothing🤔smh.


 Just a little ticket for 2023 revolutionist people. Note that if you make or made a resolution don't get discouraged if it doesn't come to pass. Just know that if you look at your resolution as a journey, I believe it will cause it to come to pass the more, because there's no pressure on a journey. Does that make sense? It does to me lol.

Lord Help Us All,


Noise and Chaos Pt 2

I was getting reading to leave the house to take care of business, but taking my time because I didn't really feel like going anywhere. ...