FOOD FOR THOUGHT (Is it a blessing OR is it a test???)

We must be careful what we call a blessing from God when we are being tested by God. Take for insist what happened to me today. I stopped at the gas station to get some gas. I paid for 40.00 worth of gas went back to the car and put the nozzle in the tank to allowed it to pump the gas for me. I sat in my car and started talking on the phone, then I heard the pump stopped. Before I pulled out the nozzle, I always look at the cost to make sure the pump was finish, as some of you know sometimes the pump stops even if you're not finish, but when I looked at the pump the cost was 59.00 and some change. I immediately thought I made a mistake and gave the cashier three twenty-dollar bills instead of two. So, I continued pumping until I got to 60.00. As I was doing that, I remembered I did give the cashier two twenties only. So, I stopped and went back inside the store to let the cashier know that the pump is probably pumping out someone else's gas. So, she checked the cash register and said, "oh, no that was my fault". Then I said to her I didn't have the extra twenty to give her. She said, " that's ok, it was my fault". I said sorry and thank you and went back to the car, but as I was going, I was thinking "Wow, thank you Jesus with a big smile on my face", and as I got in my car, I thought to myself again that I do have the extra 20, so I went back and gave it to her. She said to me "you don't have to do that" and I would have been good with that, but I wasn't, because you see, that was a test of my integrity. If I didn't have the extra twenty then I can say that was a blessing, but because I did have the extra twenty it was a test. You see, we have to be careful what we call a blessing from God. If you can fix a mistake made on behalf of another but benefited you and you have the means to fix it, then fix it, because you are being tested. If you don't have the means to fix it, then what else can you do but call it a blessing lol. I know this may have bust some bubbles, because it sure bust mine, but I'm glad I passed the text and still with a smile on my face lol. ๐Ÿ˜ Oh, and I'm praying that person don't get in trouble or fired๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Lord Help Us All!


If you click this blog because some crazy things in the world have been happening like war and rumours of more war. Killings like never before and talk everywhere about people, monkey's and all sorts of animals are being cloned. Your loved ones or someone you knew have disappeared in plain sight and your looking for a refuge and answers. Then God has chosen you. God has chosen you for salvation through His son Jesus Christ to save you from this evil and self destructive world. To live with Him in His kingdom. Which means you have a choice to make right now, for tomorrow the way the world is going is not promised. I'm typing these words right now during a time that all the above that I've mention is going on in the world but MUST increase and intensify before "The Rapture" or also called "The Day of the Lord" to take us to glory with him forever (1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18.  It may have not happened yet, but will soon and the clock is ticking fast. I just came across a video on Youtube that was created 6yrs ago of a discussion concerning the success of cloning monkeys and is very close to cloning humans (probably already in secret). This video didn't catch me by surprise, because in the spirit God has been showing and downloading in me a lot of future changes, but I didn't know at the time until things started happening. God would give me prophetic dreams about the future that It used to scare me to the point that I thought He was telling me that I was going to be left behind. I'm not sure what all this may means to you. Maybe you came across someone that was just too perfectly weird (cloned) or someone that you knew all your life who wouldn't hurt a fly or ant. Then all of a sudden they went on a killing spree or something out of their character. That means they were cloned or under mind control through a micro chip, (by the way don't get chip, please). Now this I do know that in my experiences with God all mighty He truly loves you. He loves you so much that He has brought you to this page of all pages. It's kind of funny, because when I first started this blog I couldn't get people to click on my page for nothing in the world and it discouraged me as it set dormant for years before I started writing in it again and its 2022. Then now, all of a sudden whatever year this may be or still 2022 your reading my blog and if it's just you then I'm quite satisfy and honored that God choose you. So you see, you are that gem or gems that God picked out of all this world rubbish just to save you and bring you to glory with Him in His kingdom. Below is a salvation prayer for you to repeat, then find some place safe that you can find out more of wants going on.  You can also keep clicking other places in my blog that will inform you, encourage you and give you food for thought, etc. Whatever year this is and a mass of people all over the world have disappeared out of the blue with no explanation that you can understand except aliens, (which is no such thing). This event is called "The Rapture", which means to be caught up. We who have received salvation through Christ Jesus and believe that he is the way, the truth and the life have been caught up with him and are living in paradise waiting on you. I tell you that you do not want to be living during these days unknowledgeable, uncovered and blind. You would want your future to be sure in Christ Jesus.  I also want to share with you some of the for sure events and things that will take place during this time which is called the 7 years of tribulation that takes place emmeatiatly right after The Rapture. That's right, It will be 7 years of gloom, doom and destruction on earth and that's before the last real war take place, which is the end of this world. 

So now, carefully find other believers to stay connected with and encourage each other with these words. Your not lost anymore, but found in Christ Jesus. So keep following my page and subscribe if "The Rapture" has happed then that means I am with the lord.  Repeat and follow the instructions below and I'll see you later allegator after while crocodile ๐Ÿ˜‡                                                       

Lord God, I confess with my mouth all my sins and ask for your forgiveness (you can choose to speak your sins out loud only if you want, God already knows. I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is your son and he's the way, the truth and the life to salvation. I ask you Jesus to be my lord and over my life. Save my soul in your name, amen.


Lord Help Us All,


When you want that personal close prayer that gets the attention of God on a level you've never experienced. Try calling Him by some of the names He's known for in whatever situation you find yourself in or going through. Here are just a few names I picked up. I haven't used them all, but as I read and understand His names during my life. I feel so different in my relationship and communication with God. I pray they bless you as they did and still do for me.

JEHOVAH NISSI - God is my refuge, my banner 

JEHOVAH JIREH - God who is my provider

JEHOVAH RAPHA - God who is my healer

JEHOVAH SHALOM - God who is my peace 

JEHOVAH RAAH - God who is my way, my shepherd

JOHOVAH TSIDKENU - God of my righteousness 

JEHOVAH SHAMMAH - God who is here, ever present, omnipresent (present in all places at all times)

JEHOVAH EL ROI - God who sees me

JEHOVAH EL 'ELYON - The lord of Heaven and Earth

Lord Help Us All,



Please stop, take a breath and think on what I'm about to share with you. From the bottom of my heart to yours. If you are in the age racket of 50 and up, possible earlier. We know since 2012 or even before up to now On May 24, 2022, an 18-year-old male fatally shot nineteen students and two teachers and wounded seventeen others at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas and earlier that day, the same person had shot his grandmother in the face, severely wounding her. That and other things and events that has happened and still happening is not normal. I truly encourage you who are not saved (received Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior) and for you that are saved, to think on this, but before I go on I what to state that I will be using the word WE and US as to not to disclude myself, now moving forward.  

There is a time coming that no man knows the date or time (not even Jesus Christ himself) that if  WE continue to love sin and not God and the word of God (the truth) WE will not be able to believe or receive the truth if it hit US in the face. Why? I'm glad you asked. God does not hold back what we love, but will turn US over to that thing we love so much more then Him and the truth. He will turn US over to our own minds and sinful desires and once that happens there's know turning back. WE will love everything that is sin, and will not recolonize the truth, and on the day of "The Rapture". WE who are saved now and love the truth will be caught up with the saints who died before us with Jesus in the sky for all to see, and immediately after "The Seven Years of Tribulation" starts and God will send a powerful and strong delusion over those who loved sin more then God and the truth, and those who were introduced to Christ and understood what salvation meant, and the ones who went to church and even read and understood the word of God, but still refused salvation or didn't live a Godly life, but kept thinking they have or had time, taking life for granted, and I don't want to leave out the ones who believe a lie that "once saved always saved". Those will be the ones that will not believe even though they see. They will believe "The Lie" that Antichrist is Christ". Note that their those that will have a chance of salvation, because during those days of tribulation. Those will be the ones who have not heard of Christ Jesus and those who did hear, but did not get a proper introduction or understanding of who he is and why he sacrificed his life for us . They will be the ones that will have a chance to receive or not receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

Its sad to say though their will be some that still will not believe, but for those of US that understand salvation now until, but still choose to love sin, the strong and powerful delusion will be upon US. Meaning in your mind nothing will register what you knew in the past concerning God. You will not be able to remember what your mama said or what your daddy said or your grandma used to say about God. Or even worse, all that you did hear and learned in church will be lost. It would be like you never heard of God or His son Jesus Christ. You will automatically be deceived to believe "The Lie" that "antichrist is Christ". I don't know about you, but that is the saddest thing I could ever imagine. To taste and see that the Lord is good and real only to not remember or recognize when he is presented to you Again! It is also sad that some people actually believe they can out wit God! They think they can repent after "The Rapture" or during the 7 years of tribulation. Like I stated before, immediately after "The Rapture" those who did not keep their faith or rejected salvation will be given by God a strong and powerful delusion. Do you really believe God who created the heavens and earth, and all there in, and who knows all things, who allows all things, who keeps all things in it's rightful place, be hood wink? God forbid. Can a man rob or cheat God? Again, God forbid. Man WILL be robbed and man WILL be cheated, but not by God, but by evil seducing spirits. You will think your deceiving , but yet will be deceived 2Timothy 3:13

Salem, (Pause and calmly think on this)




Don't cha Know

I was studying one morning in the Book of Exodus chp. 34: when Moses came from the mount talking with God for 40 days and 40 nights and did ...