2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Ok, first of all I see that we MUST become and STAY humble before the lord. Why is humility such an issue? For one, that's what got Lucifer his new name (Satan) and kicked out of heaven. So what more do we think God would tolerate with us? Second, the opposite of humble is PRIDE and pride is like having a stony heart that is hard to become softened if you keep giving into the prideful spirit. Plus God told us to humble ourselves which sounds like its something we have to make an effort to do. How do we do that? Well "Life in the Spirit Study Bible" notes gives us this example:
  • Humble themselves - God's people must recognize their failures, show sorrow for their sin and renew their commitment to do God's will. Humbling oneself before God and his Word means recognizing one's spiritual poverty.
  • Pray - God's people must cry out desperately to him for mercy, and must completely depend on him and trust him for his intervention.  The prayer must be earnest and sustained until God answers from heaven.
  • Seek His face - God's people must diligently turn to God with the whole heart and long for his presence and not just an escape from adversity.
  • Turn from their wicked ways - God's people must genuinely repent by turning from specific sins and all forms of idolatry, renounce conformity to the world , and draw near to God for mercy, forgiveness and cleansing.
Then pray AND seek the face of God AND turn from our wicked ways, God will hear from heaven and heal our land.

God help us all,
Sista LoLo

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