Destroy - to demolish, to ruin, to bring to naught, to put an end to, to annihilate, to consume, to kill.

Break - to strain apart, to divide as to break a rope or chain, to break rocks or coal, to break a lock.
Which one you want God to do to the chain(s) in your life?


Their comes a time in our lives that everything that we are going through in our lives will be due. Due to be paid, due to be healed, due to prosper, due to think staright again, due to be set free. Just like a bill you receive that says payment is due on this day or due now or due emeatially. Some of us has a due date for a future date and some due now and some due emeatially. God owes no man or no spirit nothing. So know your bill will be paid, just wait on the Lord and He will new your strength, mind, body and soul. Hallelujah bless His name!!!

Love Sista LoLo




What seems to be a little, with Christ Jesus in it, you have a lot. When you think your at your end, your actually at your beginning. So be encourage God is not done with you yet😁.

Words of Inspiration

Ish. 55: 9-13 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth froth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break froth before you into singing , and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
God bless,
Sista LoLo


Good Morning,
I'm so grateful for waking up this morning in my right mind. I'm so grateful for the ability to get out of bed. I'm so grateful for no pain in my body today. I'm so grateful to God for keeping me under His wings when I'm facing those hard to deal with trials. I'm so grateful to God for He is good and worthy to be praised! What are you grateful for? Please write something in the comment.


Well it took 22 years, but today is the day the Lord has made to open up a apartment for my daughter. I thank the Lord for his goodness his mercy and his grace .


Evil is evil, theirs just levels of it, BUT it doesn't take away from evil being evil no matter what level.

Our world

This world is run by Satan, BUT CONTROLED BY GOD!!!!! Oh bless His name 🤗


Never be ashamed of any work that you have done. Only what you have not done...

Always Right

Have you ever knew or know anyone in your life that for the sake of God can never admit to being wrong? It's kind of scary if you ask me, scary for that person. Isn't that a form if pride? I mean they can know their wrong, but won't admit to it, like ever. Please pray for those type of people, because "confession is good for the soul" and if you can't confess then it would become hard to "humble yourself under the mighty hand of God", because in order to humble yourself you have to confess your sins (confess your wrong) but don't get it twisted. God WILL and CAN humble you. It would just make the humbling process harder on you.

Love Sista Lolo 😁


All of us are like cars. Some with tanks full of gas, and some with tanks half full. This is for those who are nearly out of gas and you feel like your car is about to clunk out, but it’s still running so your pushing it and now your running on fumes or using your back tank. Do you notice that when you’re running like this your car feels and sounds ruff? Like it’s speaking to you saying (Feed me or I’ll die) don’t be dismay God will provide and fill your tank right on time with that good, excellent and electrifying gas.
I'm going to use Shells gas as (the word of God) which will give you hope, the kind that has gas saver already in it (Jesus) who can save you, the kind that has engine cleaner already in it (the holyspirit with fire that cleanses you) purify your engine getting rid of all that waste and last, but not least. The kind of gas that has the (anointing) in it to cause your engine to run and perform the way it supposed to that you may continue to “run on to see what the end is going to be”. Oh, by the way Shells is the best gas and does have gas and engine cleaner and saver already in it that makes your engine run smooth.

Love Sista LoLo

God is in control no matter what

It all started when I was about sixteen. I had this big crush on an older guy who was about twenty one at the time. I never did have a liking for school boys, I believe because they were too immature for me. I use to always flirt and strut my body in front of him, I was a big tease. One day while I was visiting my friend, which happens to be his cousin, I noticed it starting getting dark and I needed to start making my way back home due to me living a great distance from her, oh, and by the way, back then we walked everywhere unless it was too far then we would catch the bus. Plus it was exercise and fun, we always found it to be fun and adventurous, like running from dogs or someone would trip over their feet and fall lol we even sometimes would find money on the ground and end up stopping at the store, It was just plan fun. I wish young people now would walk or even get on the bus and stop always asking for a ride or staying in the house. What happened? Anyway that’s a whole another blog.  back to what I was saying my friend and I decided to act like she didn’t feel well and couldn’t walk me halfway home (by the way we always made an agreement to walk each other half way) that way her cousin (the guy I liked) would volunteer which he did. For the sake of exploiting names I'll call him (John) So John ended up walking me home and I couldn’t wait to have something to talk about with my friends the following day. I ended up flirting and teasing again, but this time he flirted back with great expectations, which I was not ready for. He told me about this short cut to my house behind the school. So me being flirtatious, but yet naive decided to follow him. When we got behind the school he started to flirt back and kissed me and me wanting it kissed him back. Then he started taking it a little further, but I didn’t want to, and when I said NO he said YES and he ended up trying to rap me behind a school, but I screamed so loud before he could insert completely that he got up apologizing, I was so glad and because I didn’t know my way from there he continued to walk me home apologizing all way. I didn’t understand then what I understand now that his apology should have never excused him from what he did, and by the way ladies we weren’t giving our bodies up at that age (to my knowledge that is). Even though I was already smoking marijuana, cigarettes and sipping on gin and juice uh, yeah thinking I was all grown up, but was never prepared or ready for the real world. The world was nothing like what I seen on television which is very important to install in our children today.

Now back to my previous life, I didn't tell anyone because within me I wasn’t mad at him and I still liked him, plus I felt like if I didn't flirt and teased him so much it wouldn’t have happened, yeah I blamed myself. Sounds familiar huh? Two years went by and that was a done deal.  I was sexually active and I went from smoking marijuana and cigarettes to lacing both with cocaine, which I thought I was really doing something. By the way, just in case you were thinking.  Where were my parents in all this? Well my mother was in and out of drug programs, which I thought at that time she was physically sick and was in and out of the hospital for some kind of disease and I didn't figure it out until I was much older that drugs was a disease, but in the mind for the most part. My biological father was in and out of my life and my stepfather was in and out of jail, so I ended up staying in and out of my grandmother's house, but at the time of my rap I was living with my mother, which was a very short time. I ended up back at my grandmother house until I turned eighteen, then I was back with my mother and graduated from high school. Right after graduation June of 1985 I went straight to community college majoring in accounting. Which I only was following after my sister which was a year older then me and who I adored and looked up to. I felt that she was going somewhere in her life, plus she got out of the living situation with my grandmother at the age of 16 staying with her boyfriend who she ended up marrying by the way and still together today, so cool huh?  During that summer of 85' my mother and I moved to another part of town and on my last trip I sent my girlfriend, my (road dog) to score some marijuana across the street where there happen to be a park where all the drug dealers on that side of town hung out. That house was the worse for me and destined for destruction,  and ended up being the worse place we ever moved to. I often thought about that place and wondered what my life would have been like if we never had moved. Anyway she came back with a white rock of some sort. I scold her and told her to get my money back but she said that it was a new drug and  showed me how to use it, and me being more of a follower and wanting to be cool, I tried it. After the second hit of the pipe I was now hooked on crack cocaine the summer of 85' right after I graduated from high school and fresh in college (and by the way I ended up being a drop out). My life as I knew it became a down spiral fast and hard. I ended up turning to prostitution selling my body for money and crack (which they called a Toss Up) which I ended up being Queen Toss Up, but don’t get it twisted I was not proud of it at all. It was shameful, disgusting but I didn’t know how to stop and didn't have support and didn't know how to get it. I'll I knew how to do is pray and never stop praying that God would one day help me. In my heart and imagination when I wasn't high, I would always imagine that one day God would come to rescue me or send someone. Well it happened, but not until later.  So getting high and jumping in and out of cars all night became my new life style, a fifteen year life style of turmoil, homelessness, pain, suffering and hitting and missing suicide because I tried to commit suicide twice but fail as you can see. After the second attempt I actually thought I was put on this earth to live this life of drugs and sex. I know that it's hard to understand where God played in all this, but He played a big part, because He kept me through the entire bad situation’s that came with my drug habit. My life with God started a long time ago when I was twelve, and again after I got raped, but I didn’t have any stick ability in my life which was His word because I didn’t’ read or study the bible which plays an important part of salvation. I just went to church thinking that’s all I had to do, but God didn’t give up on me. Even during my backsliding moments God always sent people my way to minster to me, but I didn’t receive it or believed what they was telling me because I felt like I tried God and it didn’t work for me. I prayed for help and He didn't answer. So I went on my marry way thinking that I had it all under control. Until one day in 1999 my dear sister in Christ and her husband that I met at the last church I attended a year ago, knocked at my door. I came running to the door thinking it was the drug dealer, but it was my brother in the lord who held out his hand and said "come with me my sister". For one I was sooooo embarrassed because if you can imagine me when I opened the door I had a cigarette in my mouth and a Old English 800 (beer) in my hand.  I froze until he said it again "come with me my sister". I froze because earlier that week I prayed to God (oh yeah I keep praying) even though I was in my mess calling myself having control of my life.  I prayed asking God to send one of his soldiers to help me, because I couldn't do it on my own and that's exactly what he did. Remember I prayed that prayer alone time ago? Why didn't He come to my rescue then you may ask? I didn't learn until later that God is a timing God, He is time itself. He knows when, where and want time your heart and mind is lined up with His Will. Now moving forward, I started walking out the door when he asked me to put away the things I had in my mouth and hand lol (it's funny now thinking about). I ended up receiving and believing in the word of God by reading, studying the bible and receiving the holyghost/holyspirit which gave me stick ability for 19 years now. Glory be to the most high God and Jesus Christ for salvation! 

I pray my blog open the eye's to those who are in a dark place and encourage those who are in Christ, that there is nothing too hard for God. I also pray that my words will make you think twice about your life. Believe it or not this is God trying to reach out for the first time to some and again to others.
Salvation Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you for my life, health and strength. I now believe in my heart that your son Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and my salvation. I confess with my mouth my sins to you and receive Jesus as my lord and savior. I desire to live for you and become a disciple of your word. Come into my life and save me. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Congratulation! Now my sister/brother in Christ, I welcome you to the family of God. Now walk in Him and know that you are saved and perfect in God eyes. Importantly know that you have an advocate (Jesus) who is always before his father praying for you and always there when you need him. Also know most of all, if you have an addiction or some stronghold that you've been dealing with. Go to God in prayer and He will deliver you always, even when you fall short. So don't forget you can get back up and dust yourself off and move forward in Christ, giving that thing that made you fall to God in prayer. Now It is your duty to read and study the bible praying for wisdom, knowledge and understanding always and most of all attend bible study that you may learn the more. Now I pray my sister/brother that God will show you the church were you belong and can grow, Amen. Again, Congratulation! 

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo

Can't Wait!!!!!!

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


Don't cha Know

I was studying one morning in the Book of Exodus chp. 34: when Moses came from the mount talking with God for 40 days and 40 nights and did ...