To whom it may concern:
"Judge not, least ye be judged". Matthew 7:1-3. I notice a lot of people on and off social media proclaiming to be Christians feel like its ok to judge others, stating "it's not judging if you're exposing the sin that person/persons are doing". You know what? I would be very careful with that statement and reason, because with AI and the advance technology now today, you can place anyone's body at any time and/or location and cause their mouth to speak words they have not said and produce a video that looks so real that if you don't have the spirit of discernment and watch with a mature spiritual eye you will be deceived and they are so good at it. AI by itself is spooky enough with those human-like robots that's been created. Hollywood tricks of the camera and settings had already fooled not only us Americans, but also Russia that we were the first to fly to the moon. Remember that? Just think about it. I weather shut my mouth and pray for them allowing God be God that I may make it to Heaven, then open my mouth judging others with the risk of hearing God say, "I never knew you, worker of iniquity."
Don't get me wrong, sometimes and somethings we must judge, but we are to judge those things and actions of those we know or fellowship in the Lord having two or three witnesses to the wrongdoing. Or if we've been asked to help judge a matter its ok, but again, only among two or three witnesses, not something we've seen or heard on social media. Know that social media is the devil's playground, and if we as Christians are going to use it for God, we must make sure we are proclaiming the gospel to win souls for the Kingdom of God and not spreading gossip while keeping in mind it can be a thin line between the truth and a lie when Satan has his hands in it. Also, I not only believe, but know by the word of God that if we pray for our sisters and/or brothers in Christ Jesus who are being talked about on social media instead of getting ourselves involved with the gossip/rumors, we can make a difference in their lives. We can (if the rumors/gossip) is true bring our Christian sisters/brothers to repentance and back to God. That way we are doing the work of our calling. Unless you're the type of person that has to get some kind of glory out of someone else's struggle or pain. If that's the case, then shame on you and you will reap what you've sown. No matter what your title or gifts are, we as born-again believers in Christ Jesus are called to "reconcile the world back to God." 2Corinthians 5: 18-19
Who was that in the bible that said, "With love and kindness have I drawn thee?" Oh, yeah that was God in Jeremiah 31: 2-4 Speaking of Israel restoration. All the same, God draws us with His love, kindness and mercy so, we must draw others the same way. Salem
Question: If you were found in error. Would you want the world to talk about it on social media, whether true or not? Or would you whether your brothers and sisters in the lord pray touching and agreeing that your mind and eyes be opened that you would come to repentance, if guilty? Remembering the prayer of the righteous availeth much." James 5:15 and he without sin cast the first stone St. John 8:7 Salem
Study Scriptures: Deuteronomy 19:15-21, Matthew 7:1-5
There's power in prayer.
Lord Help Us All