Please stop, take a breath and think on what I'm about to share with you. From the bottom of my heart to yours. If you are in the age racket of 50 and up, possible earlier. We know since 2012 or even before up to now On May 24, 2022, an 18-year-old male fatally shot nineteen students and two teachers and wounded seventeen others at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas and earlier that day, the same person had shot his grandmother in the face, severely wounding her. That and other things and events that has happened and still happening is not normal. I truly encourage you who are not saved (received Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior) and for you that are saved, to think on this, but before I go on I what to state that I will be using the word WE and US as to not to disclude myself, now moving forward.  

There is a time coming that no man knows the date or time (not even Jesus Christ himself) that if  WE continue to love sin and not God and the word of God (the truth) WE will not be able to believe or receive the truth if it hit US in the face. Why? I'm glad you asked. God does not hold back what we love, but will turn US over to that thing we love so much more then Him and the truth. He will turn US over to our own minds and sinful desires and once that happens there's know turning back. WE will love everything that is sin, and will not recolonize the truth, and on the day of "The Rapture". WE who are saved now and love the truth will be caught up with the saints who died before us with Jesus in the sky for all to see, and immediately after "The Seven Years of Tribulation" starts and God will send a powerful and strong delusion over those who loved sin more then God and the truth, and those who were introduced to Christ and understood what salvation meant, and the ones who went to church and even read and understood the word of God, but still refused salvation or didn't live a Godly life, but kept thinking they have or had time, taking life for granted, and I don't want to leave out the ones who believe a lie that "once saved always saved". Those will be the ones that will not believe even though they see. They will believe "The Lie" that Antichrist is Christ". Note that their those that will have a chance of salvation, because during those days of tribulation. Those will be the ones who have not heard of Christ Jesus and those who did hear, but did not get a proper introduction or understanding of who he is and why he sacrificed his life for us . They will be the ones that will have a chance to receive or not receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

Its sad to say though their will be some that still will not believe, but for those of US that understand salvation now until, but still choose to love sin, the strong and powerful delusion will be upon US. Meaning in your mind nothing will register what you knew in the past concerning God. You will not be able to remember what your mama said or what your daddy said or your grandma used to say about God. Or even worse, all that you did hear and learned in church will be lost. It would be like you never heard of God or His son Jesus Christ. You will automatically be deceived to believe "The Lie" that "antichrist is Christ". I don't know about you, but that is the saddest thing I could ever imagine. To taste and see that the Lord is good and real only to not remember or recognize when he is presented to you Again! It is also sad that some people actually believe they can out wit God! They think they can repent after "The Rapture" or during the 7 years of tribulation. Like I stated before, immediately after "The Rapture" those who did not keep their faith or rejected salvation will be given by God a strong and powerful delusion. Do you really believe God who created the heavens and earth, and all there in, and who knows all things, who allows all things, who keeps all things in it's rightful place, be hood wink? God forbid. Can a man rob or cheat God? Again, God forbid. Man WILL be robbed and man WILL be cheated, but not by God, but by evil seducing spirits. You will think your deceiving , but yet will be deceived 2Timothy 3:13

Salem, (Pause and calmly think on this)




Noise and Chaos Pt 2

I was getting reading to leave the house to take care of business, but taking my time because I didn't really feel like going anywhere. ...