God will let our lameness/disfunction be displayed that our healing will be obvious.
Acts 3:1-10 

(Words of T.D. Jakes)

Lord Help Us All,
Sister Lo


Sometimes it takes people to tell you, you can and believe in you that you can. They are the one's that provoke you to do, but it's until you know and believe in yourself and trust that God would give you all the wisdom, knowledge and understanding with His favor on how to do, is when it matters. What I'm saying is that, it's ok that people believe in you, but we should believe in ourselves first, and when the people believe it's just a conformation of what you already know you could do. Sometimes people can see things in you that you don't see, or at least thought about. Being provoked to do something is ok to a point, because it can become a dependencies and you can start running on the thoughts of others. What I've been attempting to say is believe in yourself  to the point were you step out on faith and do the things that you always wanted to do, believing that God has already put it in you, and with Him all things are possible to them that believe.

Lord Help Us All,
Sister Lo


Don't cha Know

I was studying one morning in the Book of Exodus chp. 34: when Moses came from the mount talking with God for 40 days and 40 nights and did ...