when God created you He created a jewel and unique diamond.
Grace and peace be unto you! Welcome to my world of blogging. Where you can find bible inspiration and studies through my writings and videos that will educate and bless you daily. I welcome any non-threating and peaceful comments that I may give you my full attention and respond back promptly. Or you can choose to email me at myoneandonlysavior@gmail.com. I look forward to your thoughts, truths and opinions. Lord Help Us All, Your One and Only Lovely Lolita
Don't Cha Know?
Sometimes what we are going through seems bigger than life it self to us, and there's a simple answer. God will tell us do something so simple, but because we are so focus on how big the issue/issues are, we don't believe it takes something so simple to solve something so big. WE PROLONG OUR OWN DELIVERANCE.
Lord Help Us All,
Sister Lo
Don't Cha Know?
Sister Lo
"Praise and be Raised".
Words from: Joyce Meyers
Sister Lo
- These weapons are powerful because they are spiritual and come from God. Elsewhere Paul lists more of these weapons commitment to truth, righteous living, gospel proclamation, faith, love, hope of salvation, the Word of God, and persevering prayer (Eph. 6:11-19; 1Thess. 5:8) By using these weapons against the enemy, the church will emerge victorious. God's presence and kingdom will be powerfully revealed in order to save sinners, drive out demons, sanctify believers, baptize in the Holy Spirit and heal the sick.
- The church today is often tempted to meet the world's challenge through the world's weapons, in other words, through humanistic wisdom, philosophy, psychology, exciting attractions, entertainment-base church performances, etc. These often serve as a substitute for the basic NT practices of intense prayer, uncompromising commitment to God's Word, and proclamation of the gospel in power. Worldly weapons cannot bring about the Kingdom of God, for such weapons cannot possibly destroy sin's strongholds, deliver us from Satan's power or overthrow the evil passions running rampant in the world today. If we use the worlds weapons, we will only secularize the church and separate it from the weapons of faith, righteousness and the power of the Spirit. Tragically, the church itself will then be overshadowed by the power of darkness and its families thrown down and taken captive by the world's forces.
- God is omniscient and He knows every thought and that nothing is hidden from him. Ps. 94:11 The lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are vanity, Ps. 139:2 Thou knows my down sitting and mine uprising; thou understands my thought afar off.
- Be aware that the mind is a battleground. Some thoughts originate with us, while others come directly from the enemy. To take captive every thought requires warfare against both our sinful nature and satanic forces (Eph 6:12-13, Matt. 4:3-11). Steadfastly resist and reject evil and unwholesome thoughts in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Php. 4:8). Remember that we as believers overcome our adversary by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by persistently saying "No!" to the devil, temptation and sin (Tit 2:11-12; Jas. 4:7; Rev. 12:11; Mt. 4: 3-11).
- Be resolute in focusing your mind on Christ and heavenly things rather than on earthly things (Php 3:19; Col 3:2), focusing your mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. Fill your mind with God's Word and with those things that are noble, excellent and praiseworthy (Php 4:8)
- Always be careful what your eyes see and your ears hear. Resolutely refuse to let your eyes be an instrument for lust (Job 31:1) or to set any worthless or evil thing before your eyes, whether in books, magazines, pictures, television programs, cinema, video's, internet or in real life (Ps. 101:3; Isa. 33: 14-15; Rom. 13:14).
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, and at the same time bring your weakness to God that He may be strong in you. For His strength is made perfect in our weakness ππ€
Lord Help Us All,
Sister Lo
Encouraging Words
The narrator said "a lot of turtles don’t make it back because they get stuck in between some of the rocks or get flipped on their backs and can't flip back over before the tide comes back in", which is so sad to me, but the world has to recycle itself, and if no one or nothing dies then this world would be contaminated and over crowed with people, animals and vegetation. Which shows how God was thinking way ahead when He created the world. He's not like us human who thinks of the now and how we can get what we want and think we need now. Some are still pulling up all earth resources without thinking of the future. Well, anyway back to my story.
This one turtle the camera focused on was climbing over the rocks breathing in and out as if each breath could have been its last as it slobbered at the mouth but as this turtle went over this one rock she got stuck between the two and it wedged her in place that she couldn't move. As I was watching this I started talking to the turtle and the lord through the TV. "Please lord help her, please don't let her die", come on little turtle fight don't give up" and I be so serious about my prayers as watch TV, and this is all the time. Even though I know whatever I'm watching was shot long before it hit the air, I still watch and pray.
Anyway, back to what I was sharing. As I was praying the narrator said "now that the tide is coming back in with it waves the turtle could drown, but if the wave can give just enough push, the turtle might have a fighting change."(In my David Attenborough English voice) that I love so much. So, there I was sitting there watching as the tide and the waves was coming in back and forth hitting the turtle. It looked like the turtle gave up and ran out of breath, but as I started talking to the TV, the turtle and God again. One of the waves came in and hit the turtle front fin which waved a little, showing life.
Then another wave came in and touched her mouth which made her lift up her head. Then all of a sudden life was in the turtle and she started kicking and bobbing as each wave came in, but yet still stuck between the rocks. Then one BIG WAVE came in just when I was shouting at the TV out loud, "Come on turtle hang in there, just a couple more waves. I was on edge, but I kid you not when I say, I watched one wave that looked to me to be the hand of God lifting up that turtle and flipping her over as she swam to the sea with her bruises on her belly by the rocks, that will someday tell her testimony, which it just did today. I started cheering and thanking God with relief and a big smile on my face feeling like it just happened to me and nobody knew at that time, BUT GOD that I was going through a trial of my own. Wow! It was so beautiful and all I could think about was God, and how God made a way of escape for that turtle and how much more He cares for us. I just love the way God uses nature to speak to our situations, if we would just open our eyes and see.
Lord Help Us All,
When God is trying to raise you up. Stop embracing the gravitational pull of going back to the familiar.
Lord Help Us All!
Sister Lo
Sister Lo,
Lord Help Us All
Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo
Noise and Chaos Pt 2
I was getting reading to leave the house to take care of business, but taking my time because I didn't really feel like going anywhere. ...
As I was reading Matthew 4:1-4 after Jesus fast for 40 days and 40 nights he was hungry, Right? Now when the devil came challenging him to ...
(Silence) When God doesn't open His mouth, He's to be seen not heard. When God opens His mouth He's to be heard not seen. Either...
"It's okay that you're not okay, but it's not okay to stay that way". Not sure who said it, but it caught my attenti...
(I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that God will open your heart and mind as you read the contents below. Which you can find all this inf...
Theirs a difference between knowing your path and walking itπ€π€π€
To all saints of God! Good morning! I'm asking for a prayer request. I was watching The 700 Club on yesterday morning and heard the sadd...
I woke up three times from a dream on 09/11/2020 morning. Some say that dreams are just part of our imagination, but I beg the difference,...
As saints of God we fight from a place of victory, and the devil with his emps fight from a place of defeat AND he is limited...
[Thursday, July 19, 2012] 2Corinthinans 10: 4-6 the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world (guns, knives, our negative wo...