My blog title "UNNECESSARY DISTRACTION" was edit and the link for the personality test was added at the bottom of the page.

Thank YouπŸ˜‡

Lord Help Us All
Sister LoLo


God will open the door that no man or (evil spirit) can follow. God open the door of the Red Sea for the Isrealite's and when Pharaoh try to follow, God closed the door and demolish the Isrealite's (their enemy) forever. That's what God wants to do in our lives. I believe we just need to have that Red Sea faith.

Lord Help Us All
Sister LoLo


The other day I sat at my desk getting ready to study (the bible that is).  I notice that it was hard for me to get started.  It seem like everything else was getting my attention like never before.  I mean it was getting on my own nerves or should I say I was getting on my nerves for allowing myself to be so distracted.  The holyspirit remind me of a prayer I pray after learning my strengths and weakness utilizing a test that Joyce Meyers had in one of her magazine that I came across when spring cleaning. It help me to learn more about myself then I ever knew before.  I'll leave the link below and I guarantee you wont be disappointed, but only surprised.
Now back to my point of this blog. I prayed confessing to God (as if He didn't know) my weakness.  Asking Him to take them away or deliver me from them, and everyday I try to focus on one or two of them to work on that day, recognizing and catching them when they pop up.  That way I can make a more Godly decision and put on more fruits of the Spirit of Galatians 5:22.  I have to say that it works, because on today when I started my studies I notice the distraction and was able to catch it and move forward, which allowed me to blog this very thing lol. God is so good and worthy of my praise! You see before I would pray for God to deliver me or take away my weaknesses, but in return God is teaching me how to notice my weaknesses when it comes and change my actions and decisions. The bible says in Philippians 2:12 to " work out your own salvation with fear and trebling". I'm forever learning and never want to get to the place of knowing it all, because I believe no one will ever get to that place.  My daughter would say to me, "mom you know everything" and I will say back to her, "No I don't, but this I do know.  I know a lot about a few things and a little about a lot of things".  Which make people think that I think I know it all and it's so not true.  I just like to share what I know and  learned.  Like now I'm learning how to notice my weakness so I can change and become more like Christ and so far I'm winning today's battle.

The Personality test is

Lord Help Us All
Sista LoLo


There hath no temptation taken (overtaken) you but such as is common to man: but God is faith, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear (endure) it.

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


My brother and sister, count it all joy when ye fall into divers (various trials) temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh (continually) patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire (complete), wanting (lacking) nothing. James 1:3-4
Basically patiently wait for patienceπŸ˜πŸ˜‡


Without the valley's there can be no mountains. If your living on a mountain, but never been through the valley, then you must really think about if your really on a mountain or is it just a marge and you've been deceive. Salem (commonly think on it)

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


The Reading: Matthew 26: 36-55
Most of the explanation and description of scriptures are from the (Life in the Spirit) King James Study Bible. A bible I use when studying that I highly recommend for your studies. If their any other study bible that you recommend, by all means do share by leaving a comment in the box below.
Stage One: (Chp.26:37-39) THE PRAYER OF SORROW
This was the beginning of Jesus sorrow. I believe he felt great sorrow come upon him as he walked to the place called Gethsemane meaning (Olive Press) with his disciples and because of the sorrow he felt it drove him to prayer even the more.   Jesus went away to do just that and took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee James and John with him to be a look out while he prayed.  I believe he knew his time was very close and that’s why he asked them to watch.  Jesus prayed three times and after each prayer He would find his disciples sleeping instead of watching.  I wonder if that’s the reason Jesus went back and prayed the second and third time?   I'm thinking he was also praying for the disciples that they would learn and understand how important it is to watch and pray.  I believe each time Jesus prayed to the Father he asked if he would take this (his) cup from him, but only if it be Gods Will to except it.
Somethings we just have to go through and suffer for one reason or another (only God knows) "to each his own" is what I always say and believe.   Jesus knew by him drinking from this cup it means he was going to be separated from His Father by allow all mankind sins to be poured upon him. Remember Paul also plead with God three times in prayer that the thorn in his flesh would be taken from him, but what did the lord say to him? "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness," 2Corinthians 12:7-10.  I wonder if God said those same words to Jesus, but it wasn't documented, I wouldn't be surprise. Everything happened and was said did not make it to the bible, theirs not a book that can hold all the words and events.
I also believe at this stage of sufferings,  because Jesus was in the flesh,  he knew he would feel every part of what he must suffer, and because he knew what was coming I don't blame him for asking his Father to take his cup from him, and I don't think anyone could argue that Jesus was not happy go lucky about what he knew what was to come before the cross.  I mean, come on, he's in the flesh and no matter what anybody says no body is happy about being beaten and whipped to the point of death with the cat of nine tails, etc.  I know theirs some people in this world that enjoy pain and being torched and some in a sexual way, but that's a demonic spirit and Jesus is holy and God in the flesh, so therefore  no demonic spirit could touch him.  Also knowing that he would now experience the full payment for sin by physical death and spiritual separating from his heavenly father in order to achieve our salvation, which is the worse of all.  Who wouldn’t  cry out with strong tears?   We know that God heard his prayer because in verse 46 with anticipation and excitement he told the disciples "Rise, let us go! Here comes my betrayer!" Tells me that he received his strengthen to move forward.   I believe once we receive Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior we too have a cup we must drink giving to us by God. 
Stage Two: (Chp.26:67) THE BETRAYAL
Jesus feeling the betrayal by Judas with a kiss and bringing with him was a large crowd with swords and staves (clubs) sent by the chief priest and elders of the people and feeling the abandonment by his disciples.  Jesus was then brought before Caiaphas and the Jewish council.  He was blindfolded, mocked repeatedly, spat on and struck in the face.  Taunted him by asking him as they kept hitting him. "Prophesy to us, Christ. Who hit you?"
Stage Three: (Chp.27:2) THE FACING OF HIS ENEMIES 
In the morning, Jesus, battered and exhausted, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the decision to put Jesus to death.  He was then bound and taken to the governor's palace in Jerusalem to be interrogated by Pilate and the Governor.  I noticed in verse 11 when Jesus stood before the Governor, he was asked by the governor.  "Are you the king of the Jews?  Jesus replied "Yes, it is as you say". But when Jesus was accused by the Elders and chief priest he mumbled not at word to the governors surprise.  Now it was the Governors custom at the Feast to release a prison chosen by the crowd.  At that time they had a prisoner named Barabbas who was a notorious murderer, thief, etc.  The people and the Jews (whom they persuaded the crowd) to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed.  They insist to release Barabbas instead of Jesus.  Pilate knew it was out of envy that they handed Jesus over to him.  Now, this is what got me in verse 25. "Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children". Wow!  They were so evil and stupid, that they just curse themselves and the generation to come, which makes me wonder.  If that’s one of the reasons why the Jews went through so much, especially the Holocaust? Was it that their forefathers cursed them???  Pilate then asked the crowd.  What should he do with Jesus?  The crowd answered with one accord, "Crucify him!"  Pilate then washed his hands stating "I am innocent of the blood of this just person".  He gave Jesus over the Roman Soldiers to be flogged (beaten) and crucified. 
Stage Four: (Chp.27:26) THE WOUNDS & BRUISES
Now Jesus had to suffer at the hands of the governor Soldiers.  Here is were He was beaten with the cat of nine tails and crowned with a crown made of thorns that was pressed on his head while still being mocked.  Below is a description of how and what techniques were used to torture Jesus. This description is taken from the (Life in the Spirit King James Study Bible) verse 27 notes. Warning! Read at your own risk (just make sure you have some Kleenex on hand)
  • The Roman flogging consisted of the victim being stripped and stretched against a pillar or bent over a low post, and the hands tied. The instrument of torture was a short wooden handle to which several leather thongs were attached, with bits of iron or bone tied to the thongs.  The blows were laid on the victim's back by two men, one lashing the victim form one side, one from the other side.  This resulted in the flesh being cut to such an extent that veins, arteries and sometimes even inner organs were exposed.  Often the victim died during the flogging.
  • Flogging was hideous torture.  The inability of Jesus to bear his own cross was no doubt due to this sever infliction. "But he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds were are healed" (Isaiah 53:5, 1Peter 2:24).
Stage Five: (Chp.27:28-29) THE HUMILIATION
Jesus was untied and placed in the middle of the company of Roman soldiers.  The soldiers put a scarlet robe across his shoulders, placed a stick in his hand and pressed a circle of branches covered with long thorns on his head mocking him as a King.  The soldiers started striking him across the face and head, driving the thorns deeper  into his scalp.  It was hard for me to understand and know that people can be so evil, and hard to type each word knowing Jesus went through this torture for you and I, and generations to come.  That we/they can live forever with Jesus and his Father (God) in his Heavenly Kingdom being free from pain and suffering of this world.  Like the bible says in Revelation 21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."  WHO IS WILLING TO DIE FOR HUMANITY? And why? I'll tell you why, because of John 3:16 "God so loved the world (humanity) so much that He (God) gave his only begotten son (Jesus), that whosoever believe(th) (continually) on Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life (salvation)".  
Stage Six: Chp.27:30-31 THE LONG JOURNEY
The heavy beam of the cross was tied to Jesus shoulders.  The cross was generally carried by the prisoner and the transverse piece was usually carried separately and attached by a  rope to the vertical pole at the place of execution, but not with Christ, he didn't get that opportunity and evidently, the weight was more than He could bear, and due to His server scourging together with sheer physical exhaustion, caused him to fall.  He tried to rise, but could not, that's when Simon (a Hebrew from Cyrene) was then pressed/forced by the soldiers into service to bear Christ's cross.  After that experience with Christ Simon ended up receiving Christ as his Lord and Savior.  Can you just imagine carrying two big logs on your back after being wiped and strike with the cat of nine tails over and over and the tear of your back has been left opened? Thank you Jesus for bearing our cross with yours. I say our cross, because in Matthew 16:24 Jesus says "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."  I believe because Jesus carried his cross with the weight of our sins, that made our cross a lot lighter, which makes us able to bear it.  THANK YOU JESUS FOR THINKING OF US WHILE BEARING  YOUR CROSS!
Stage Seven: Chp.27:35-37 THE OPEN SHAME
The place they took  Jesus to be crucified was called Golgotha which means (The Place of The Skull).  At Golgotha the cross beam was placed on the ground and Jesus was laid on it.  His arms were stretched along the beam and a heavy, square, wrought-iron nail was driven through his hand (or wrist), first into the right, then into the left hand, deep into the wood.  Next Jesus was lifted up by means of ropes or ladders, the crossbeam was bound or nailed to the upright beam and support for the body was fastened on it.  Lastly, his feet were extended and a larger piece of iron was driven through them.  They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall which brought forth the fulfillment of Psalm 69:21.  "They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave vinegar (sour wine) to drink".  Then Pilate placed over Jesus head with the accusation: "THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS".  Note that vinegar mingled with gall was customarily given to condemned prisoners to serve as a kind of anesthetic or anodyne.  It was literally a drugged "wine".  The statement that he would not drink indicates that Jesus refused any mitigation (the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something) of his suffering on our behalf.  This tells me that Jesus loves us so much that he made sure that he felt every pain and suffering to the max.  Theirs not one human on this earth that can go through want Jesus went through and live. The torcher would have killed them alone .  Truly some of us can't even take a headache without the help of medicine.  I know, because I will pop a pill in a minute and I'm sure theirs more mini me's in this world.   I prefer not to feel pain in my flesh at all if I could help it.  So I'm sure not a good candidate for torcher.  That's is why I gave my life to Christ and doing all that I can and what is require of me to do in order to keep my salvation. Basically I prefer not to miss "The Rapture" nor be here during the seven years of the tribulation period.  At that time believers will die for Christ sake, which again is another study you can find on my blog under the title (THE END OF GRACE).
Stage Eight: Chp. 27:39 THE HATE CRIME
Jesus was now a pathetic spectacle, blood-streaked, covered with wounds and exposed to the view of the people.  He experienced hours of pain in his entire body, fatigue in his arms, great waves of cramps in the muscles and skin torn from his back.  Then another agony began a crushing pain deep in the chest as fluid began to compress the heart.  He felt an intense thirst (Jn 19:28) and was aware of the abuse and ridicule of those who passed by the cross (vv.39 - 44) and the two robbers who also were being crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left that also mocked him (Matt.27:38), but Luke  was the only one that recorded one of the robbers  Jesus forgave and stated "Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". Read vv 39 - 43 for why he was forgiven.  Jesus was  mocked and insulted by the people that was passing by shaking their heads and saying.  "You, who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!" The chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him saying, "He saved others, but he can't save himself! He's the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.  He trust in God, let God deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God."  From a personal experience with mocking and insults, these words remind me that we too go through the same thing.  For instinct, I've been going through bodily pain for some years now, believing and trusting God for my healing.  I have searched high and low through the word of God on healing trying to find an answer, and like Paul I have prayed for deliverance more than thrice and I would always hear "My grace is sufficient for thee" and remembering Paul's words.  So now I don't pray concerning my afflictions, but only thanking and praising God that he find me worthy, and like Jesus he was only relieved and healed of his affliction when he gave up the ghost to be with his Father.  Like some of us we too may see our healing when our name has been called from the Father to be with Him or at The Rapture, whichever comes first.  I've had people say all kinds of negative things concerning my afflictions and confessing Jesus to be my lord, and like Jesus when he prayed to the Father that this cup be taken from him,  only if its Gods Will, which it wasn't.  I believe Jesus also heard his father say "My grace is sufficient for thee".  So like Paul again, I too rejoice in my sufferings that I may magnify the Lord.
Stage Nine: Chp: 27:46-49 THE FORSAKEN
These words mark the climax of the sufferings of Christ for a lost world.  His cry in Aramaic, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me," testifies that he experienced separation from God as the sinner's substitute.  Here the sorrow, grief and pain were at their worst.  He was pierced for our transgressions and gave himself as a "ransom".  In Matthew. 20:28 Jesus said, "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." (kjv)
Him who had no sin God made "to be sin for us" 2Corinthinan 5:19-21. If we just take on the mind of Christ concerning our purpose, then we would win more souls then we have won as of this day. Jesus came to do one thing and one thing only, to reconcile the world back to God. He died being forsaken, that we might (only through salvation) never be forsaken", Psalms 37:25, Hebrews 13:5.
Stage Ten: Chp. 27:50 THE FINISHED WORK
Jesus uttered his final words with a loud voice, "it is finished" see also John 19:30.  This cry signified the end of his sufferings and the completion of the work of redemption.  The debt for our sin had been paid in full, and the plan of salvation established.  Only then did he offer a final prayer, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" see also Luke 23:46.

Some have literally experience death of the cross (martyr) by anti Christ's in some countries for reading or teaching the bible. In the United State the law protects us from being martyr and we are free to practice and faith and religion, but after the day of the Rapture those who will be left behind and did not get a chance to hear the gospel, they will get a chance then, but will be martyr for Christ sake during the 7 yrs of Tribulation. Others who heard the gospel before The Rapture, but did not receive it or turned away from there faith, God will bring on a strong delusion and they will believe the lie that the Anti-Christ is God and will worship him. For more studies on this please see (THE END OF GRACE)

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


This is to all the rich, Hollywood, secret society, government, etc., who think that can run from Gods wrath with their underground bunkers and trying to make Mars and any other place outside the earth their home. The bible says in Revelation. 6: 15-16 "And kings (Presidents) of the earth, and the great men (Government), and the rich men (Hollywood), and the chief captains (Military), and the mighty men (Illuminati), and every bondman (ones who sold their soul to Satan), and every free man (non-believers), hid themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth (continually) on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb."
Luke 23: 28-30  "But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us."


Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


I had a dream I was walking down the street with a few people that I knew. In this dream my daughter was with me, but hovering above me as if she was watching over me. My daughter appears a lot in my dreams that way, but only the prophetic ones. As we were walking all of a sudden the world lost it's gravity and we all started to float. As we were floating I suggest that we hold hands so we would separate and get lost. As we were in aw looking around at everything that was not nailed down floating a big submarine ship was coming our way backwards and the pillars were spinning. As it got closer I suggest that we let go of each other until the ship passes by so we wont get hurt, by one of people that was holding my hand hesitated and didn't want to let go. I encourage her, but soon as she let go the pillar cut her in half at the waist and cut my ring and baby finger off. I didn't feel the pain just the pressure. Then the gravity came back and we started to float back down. As we were floating down I notice the person who was cut at the waist, her legs only started to float downward. So I used my other hand and pushed her legs to meet her waist, then I looked at my hand to see the damaged, but to my surprise it was just a small cut. We floated to the ground and all was well again and I woke up. In my spirit I knew that this event will come true. This world will lose it gravity just enough to wake people up. To let them know that God is in control and not man. God is giving us a chance to receive His son Jesus Christ as lord in savior of our lives. What I do know is this will happen I just don't know when. Man is putting this earth in great stress and torture. NASA is doing things to the weather that they have know busy doing. It's messing up the ozone and nature itself. NASA, the rich and secret society's think they are and will be in control in the future, but God is going to rain on their parade. Man has and never will be in control of this world and theirs a time for everything under the sun to be exposed in due season. Don't they know that building a bunker under ground is not going to save them. The bible says in Revelation. 6: 15-16 "And kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth (continually) on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb."
Luke 23: 28-30  "But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us."

The difference is the righteous will live forever with God in His kingdom while the unrighteous will burn forever in lake of fire with Satan himself who deceives people to follow him.

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo 

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


Since I started this blogging thing, I haven't had one person to comment. Oh, let me take that back I did have one who were asking me for my information because he started a blog also. I found out a little about myself that I didn't know or recognize before. That I'm the type of person that need to be motivated to keep doing something. The test said that it was hard from me to stay motivated. I didn't believe it until I looked back over my life and seen the things I started, but never finished verses the things that I started and finished it. I looked at the reasons why I finished and didn't finish my projects, and I found that the things I finished was because I had a passion to do it even though I had a little motivation and the timing was right. Now the things I didn't finish it either was a passion, but not the right time and some things were no passion at all, just a zeal and no motivation.
Why I'm saying all this and who cares? I'm not sure, I just started typing thinking as I checked my blog stats and found "no stats at this time", lol. I have a comment space, but no comments, but at one point I shared one of my blog notes on facebook and got lots of "likes". But I truly doubt if all 25 to 30 people read it, due to the fact that people don't always read your stuff they just click "like" to show support.

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


God calls us to live free from "every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset (entangles) us" Hebrew 12:1.  As Christians we are promised power and strength when we call upon God to deliver us from spiritual attacks and Satan's schemes to bind us - whether to an addiction, emotion, thought, relationship, finances, or other strongholds. So call on God continually, even after your deliverance. It's also good to call on deliverance for others as you do.

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo



Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


Be in courage all is not lost, our best days is yet to come:)

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo



Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo



Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. - Psalm 19:12
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. - Romans 3:23

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


"one must grasp life with both hands and always do the best with the gifts we are given."
The wisdom words of Theodore Roosevelt

Lord Help Us All,
Sista LoLo


Don't cha Know

I was studying one morning in the Book of Exodus chp. 34: when Moses came from the mount talking with God for 40 days and 40 nights and did ...