I received Joyce Meyer magazine in the mail titled "ULTIMATED RELATIONSHIP ISSUE". I didn't read it right away, but put it to the side. Then one day as I was cleaning up my apartment and moving things around (which I'm always changing things around) because I get bored of the same look and when I change things around, its usually a time when my personal life changes and I don't even notice it until the change happens. Well anyway. When I finished re-decorating my apartment my eyes fell upon her magazine and I started to read it, and it couldn't happen at a better time (GOD KNOWS). At this time in my life my two kids just moved out, my daughter first then my son. Now it was time to focus on me. It was time to find out who I am besides a parent, before it was about the kids and making sure they start their own life the right way and now they're on their own, its just me, myself and I. I picked up the magazine and glance through the pages to see if something would leap out and get my attention. Well that didn't work because every title got my attention. So I decided to start at the beginning. As I finished one article I learned not to go to the next, but to pounder on it a couple of days.
Now the reason I felt lead to blog about this is because I found out that I wasn't such a bad person, that I was ok with who I am, and yes God loves me no matter what I think of myself. Yes I did have issues in the areaf, always wondering if I'm ok with God or if I'm in the right natural and spiritual place in God. It's kind of shameful to even think this way when I know what the bible says about how God feels concerning us. Romans 8: 35 says "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Verses 38,39 says, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord'. Now to get to what I wanted to share, I'm now reading the article titled "HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOURSELF" Which really caught my attention (right on time, huh?). In this article there's a personality test you can take that shows you your strengths and weaknesses. I took the test and wow was I surprised. Their are four different personalities you fall under, Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy and Peaceful Phlegmatic, but two will be your most dominate personality. Once you find out your most two dominating personalities it also shows you how others can love you and how you can love other personalities and concerning your weakness you now can work on them to become your strength by giving them to God. In order to discover yours just go to and take the test, and please be honest knowing that you're the only one that will see the results, unless you want to share it. I choose not to, because I don’t need to give the devil any room to tempt me more then he already is lol. So I hope and pray that you will take advantage of the test and find out what you didn’t know about yourself.

God Help Us All,
Sista Lolo


Don't cha Know

I was studying one morning in the Book of Exodus chp. 34: when Moses came from the mount talking with God for 40 days and 40 nights and did ...