Theirs a difference between knowing your path and walking itπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


I woke up three times from a dream on 09/11/2020 morning. Some say that dreams are just part of our imagination, but I beg the difference, only because I had quit a few dreams that came to pass and by me being a dreamer I learned when dreams are of God and when dreams are of the world (my imagination) and of Satan, but I only document my dreams by God so here goes.

I dreamed of a woman. A naked white woman (I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it), but this woman was 9 months pregnant. I woke up thinking to myself "why in the world am I dreaming about a naked woman? I didn't even think about her being pregnant and white due to me being black, just that she was naked. So I went back to sleep thinking that the devil was trying to temp me in some kind of way only to find that she appeared again. She wasn't looking at me or anything, but just there, out in the opening with nothing around. I then noticed she was crawling on her knees and in pain. I want to say she was crawling towards me, but I'm not sure because I was in the air just observing. Which I found out that if you have a dream observing, its usually a judgement or warning dream.  I woke up again, this time pleading the blood of Jesus and thinking more on what I seen in my dream and this time praying and asking God for the meaning. I went back to sleep for the third time, but this time when she appeared she was in a labor position as if she was about to give birth. Then I woke up hearing the word travail and birth. 

I searched the scripture on the word travail and birth and this is what the holyspirit showed me.

Isaiah 13: 9 - (kjv) "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh (continually), cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it." 

(kjv) notes:  "Isaiah's reference to the day of the lord is both immediate and eschatological. The destruction that he has immediately in view is the fall of Babylon in 539B.C. But he also saw the ultimate fall of "Babylon" in the last days." And where is Babylon today? Babylon today is believed to be Iraq.

(Life in the Spirit Study Bible) notes says: "The destruction of Babylon is a type of the end-time destruction of all God's enemies and the final judgment to come over all the earth during the period of the tribulation."

Revelation 14: 18 - (kjv) "And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe." I immediately thought of the California fires that’s still burning now today.

(kjv) notes: "Again, the sickle depicts judgment. The clusters of the vine of the earth represent the unbelievers of the earth, those who have followed and worshiped the beast."


I believe the woman represent the church and/or the bride of Christ. The woman being white could represent purity or cleansing and her being naked is exposure/exposed. I believe my dream means God is about to expose the churches and individuals as a whole and we are not the judge of who or what church but God. I do know we should be praying for the church and each other as brothers in sisters in the lord. No matter the rank we are still Gods children. It was hard for me to understand this dream because I'm too detail and that can very much get in the way. My dream seem simple, but still to me not clear enough. I also found that in Revelations 12: 3,4 talks about a woman with child about to give birth and that the dragon known as Satan stood before the woman ready to devour the child once it came out, but the child was taken straight up to God and to His throne, and the woman fled to the wilderness where she had a place prepared of God.

As you know in my dream there was no dragon and the woman that was described in Revelation 12: 1 was not clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and she didn't have a crown with twelve stars. I feel like I'm back to square one. I'm usually not the one to ask for help interpreting my dreams out in the open like this, but such a time as this I don't want to run with my own conclusion/interpretation. I'm told to go by the first interpretation when you wake up and pay attention to words you may hear. So I did, but it just seems so harsh. God exposing the church and people, but again it could be a warning and due to the fact that Christ is coming very soon to Rapture the church.

So since we don't know the time or hour for Christ to return and with the COVID-19 and the California fires and floods in other states including Texas. I just want to encourage you to stay steadfast in Christ Jesus and hold on to your faith because its not about being a good person and you'll go to heaven. It's about you being for Christ or against Christ. If for Christ you will receive him as your lord and savior and if your not for Christ your against Him and is for Satan, its that plain and simple. Now if you want to be for Christ just say these following words and do your very best to read, listen, understand and live the word of God. Remember God knew you when you were in your mothers womb. 

Salvation Prayer: Lord God I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and died on the cross for my sins. I believe he did it because you Lord God so loved the world that you give your only begotten son that who so ever believe in him will have ever lasting life. I also believe that Jesus sacrificed his life by dying on the cross and rose from the dead in three days that I too may be risen and live again with him. Now God I confess my sins to you (whatever they may be) and give my life to you and ask that you come into my heart and live in me and I in you and for that Lord I thank you. In Jesus name Amen.


Congrats! You are saved!


Lord Help Us All,

Sister LoLo


To all saints of God! Good morning! I'm asking for a prayer request. I was watching The 700 Club on yesterday morning and heard the saddest thing, I'm just not sure if the program was a repeat or not. So I searched the web and found that this sad thing is still going on now today as I speak and that it has been ignored for whatever reason .  I understand that the bible says in 2Timothy chapter 3: verse 12 "Ye, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Also Jesus said in Saint John chapter 15: verse 20. "Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also." You would think we'd be prepared everyday for that it. I also know that it's been happening in other countries for a long time, but what I didn't know to what extreme. In Nigeria theirs a genocide and over a thousand Nigerian Christians has been beheaded, killed and cut up in pieces by a gang of Muslims that wants to make Nigeria a Muslims country and is not tolerating anyone that is professing to be a Christian, but in our Western world we do not hear about this on the news. My heart is crying, and at the same time rejoicing that our Savior is nearer than every before. When I think about us Americans our persecution is so small and we should be a shame of ourselves to focus so much on ourselves when our fellow sisters and brothers are being biblically persecuted (to each its own). We're dealing with flies while they are dealing with locusts with a human head like Revelations describes it (even though the locusts in Revelation is not for the saints of God) I'm just using it as a description and the difference between Americans and other countries. My hope and prayer is that we lift up the families and friends of those who have been effected by this persecution and lift up the Christians that's still alive in Africa. That they will hold on to their faith and Gods unchanging hand. That God will dispatch His angel to encamp round and about them to protect them from their enemy and ours as children of God, because we all have the same enemy in common. 

I thank you in advance so much for your fasting and prayers for our fellow sisters and brother in the Lord for we are one in Christ Jesus.


Lord Help Us All,



Some people say I should stop watching the news so much. I feel like if I don't I won't know what's going on in our world, and my prayer life would be to a minimum.  To each its own is what I always say.


 I'm sitting here reading my bible minding my own business when I came across Matthew 24: verses 36 - 44. Verses 42-44 says (kjv) "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman (master) of the  house had known in what watch (hour) the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh (continually)." Now it was in the footnotes that cause me to blog this. The footnotes reads "The observation that the people of Noah's day knew not the severity and suddenness of the coming destruction indicates that this last generation will be totally unprepared for the coming of the Son of man, the return of Christ to judge the world. Just so you know that in the days of Noah people did not believe him when he said it was gong to rain and the rain would flood the world. They were going about their days as they were, drinking, eating and giving into marriage (which reminds me of a new show I came across streaming through the cable guide that was titled "married at first sight" and a show called "Fiance in 90 days" Now that's truly biblical and what was going on in Noah's day. The part of the notes that gave me a food 4 thought is "this generation will be totally unprepared". Note that we are the last generation Jesus was talking about and how the whole world was not prepared for the COVID19 virus, WOW! Sounds familiar?

Lord Help Us All,


Don't cha Know

I was studying one morning in the Book of Exodus chp. 34: when Moses came from the mount talking with God for 40 days and 40 nights and did ...